Effects of PPARα and noradrenergic activation on PRDM16 gene expression in brown adipocytes. PRDM16 mRNA (A) or protein (B) levels in BAT from PPARα-null and wild-type mice maintained at a thermoneutral temperature (TN, 28 °C) or exposed to 4 °C ambient temperature for 24 h (Cold). Bars indicate the mean ± S.E. of 6–7 mice per group. *, p < 0.05 for differences because of cold exposure for each genetic background; #, p < 0.05 for differences between wild-type and PPARα-null mice under each temperature condition. Protein data are expressed as the ratio of the densitometric intensity of the immunoreactive signal of PRDM16 protein normalized by the immunoreactive signal of α-tubulin. C and D, differentiated brown adipocytes in culture from wild-type or PPARα-null mice were treated for 24 h with 1 μm GW7647, 0.5 μm norepinephrine (NE), or 1 mm dibutyryl-cAMP (db-cAMP). Data on PRDM16 mRNA (C) or protein (D) are mean ± S.E. of three independent experiments done in triplicate. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01 for differences because of treatment condition in each genetic background; #, p < 0.05 for differences between wild-type and PPARα-null cells under each treatment condition.