Figure 2. One CpG (cytosine-guanine dinucleotide) site in the promoter and one CpG site in the first exon of the PGAM2 gene were associated with maternal stress at infancy in the full group.
In the set of 37 high confidence sites associated with maternal stress at infancy and having more than 5% change in DNA methylation, two CpG loci belonged to the same gene, PGAM2, which encodes phosphoglycerate mutase 2. These are the cg26057752 CpG site (rho = .31, 9.6% DNA methylation change, slope = .14 (95% CI = .05 – .22), FDR = 0%) and the cg23616741 CpG site (rho = .25, 10.4% DNA methylation change, slope = .15 (95% CI = .05 – .24), FDR = 0%). No statistically significant associations for either of these 2 CpG sites were found in the gender-specific analysis. The average beta scale was restricted to show values between 0.15–0.65, rather than the full range of 0–1.0. Each circle represents one subject and the regression line for the full group is shown in solid. Note that, in each figure, [P] designates CpG sites from promoter regions; [C] = sites from the first exon of the coding region; and [I] = sites from the first intron.