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. 2011 Nov 24;35(2):87–93. doi: 10.1007/s12639-011-0085-9

Table 1.

Morphological and clinical characters of P. knowlesi and the other four human malaria parasite species

Characters P. knowlesi P. falciparum P. malariae P. ovale P. vivax
Fever pattern/erythrocytic phase Quotodian with 24 h cycle Tertian, sub-tertian with 48 h cycle Quartan with 72 h cycle Tertian with 48 h cycle Tertian with 48 h cycle
Relapse from persistent tissue stages No No No, but blood forms can persist up to 30 years Yes Yes
Severe form in 6–10% cases Up to 24% cases Very rare Very rare Up to 22% cases
Human erythrocyte Not enlarged, rounded, not distorted Not enlarged, rounded Not enlarged, rounded, generally not distorted Not enlarged, rounded, generally not distorted Enlarged from trophozoite stage onwards, rounded, not distorted
Stages in peripheral blood All Rings and gametocytes All All All
No. of parasites in RBC Single or multiple (2 or 3) Single or multiple Single Single Single
Early trophozoite (ring form) Dense cytoplasm with single or double chromatin, occasionally three chromatins. Chromatin lies inside the ring Delicate cytoplasm, 1–2 small chromatin dots Dense cytoplasm with large chromatin Sturdy cytoplasm; large chromatin Large cytoplasm with large single chromatin
Late trophozoite Dense cytoplasm, cytoplasm slightly amoeboid and irregular, band forms, dark brown pigmentation Rarely seen in peripheral blood. Compact cytoplasm, dark pigment Compact cytoplasm, rounded large chromatin, occasional band forms, dark brown pigment Compact cytoplasm with large chromatin, dark brown pigment Large amoeboid cytoplasm, large chromatin, fine yellowish-brown pigment
Schizont and merozoites Occupies whole erythrocyte. 10–16 merozoites scattered or grape-like cluster, pigment scattered or collects into a single mass Seldom seen in peripheral blood. 8–24 small merozoites, dark pigment clumped in a mass Occupies whole erythrocyte. 6–12 merozoites, usually 8–10 clustered around dark brown pigment forming rosette pattern Slightly smaller than RBC, round to oval and fimbricated. 6–12 merozoites, usually 8 in a single ring, with large nuclei, clustered around mass of dark-brown pigment Large may occupy full RBC. 12–24 merozoites, yellowish-brown coalesced pigment
Gametocyte Occupies whole erythrocyte, round, compact, pigment scattered or collects into a single mass RBC distorted by parasite, parasite is crescent or sausage shaped, dark pigment mass Occupies whole erythrocyte, round to oval, scattered brown pigment Round to oval, compact, may fill RBC, scattered brown pigment Round to oval, compact, may fill RBC, scattered brown pigment

Source CDC (2011); Lee et al. (2011)