RAPD-PCR amplification of 25 ng of total nucleic acid of different clinical isolates of KA along with DD8 and K27 using primer OPA5. Lane 1 MW marker (100–2000 size in bp), lane 2 DD8, lane 3 T2, lane 4 P1, lane 5 T3, lane 6 PG2, lane 7 PG3, lane 8 PG4; lane 9 T4, lane 10 T7, lane 11 T5, lane 12 K27. DD8 and K27 are WHO reference strains for Leishmania donovani and Leishmania tropica respectively, T2, T3, T4, T7 and T5 were clinical isolates of Kala-azar from India; P1 was PKDL isolate; PG2, PG3 and PG4 were clinical isolate of Kala-azar from Bangladesh