Figure 1. EGF induces the PKM2–β-catenin interaction in the nucleus.
a, U87/EGFR cells were treated with or without EGF for 10 h.
b, U87/EGFR cells with or without PKM2 depletion were plated and counted 7 days after seeding. Data represent the means ± SD of three independent experiments.
c, e, U87/EGFR cells with or without PKM2 depletion were treated with or without EGF for 24 h (c) or 10 h (e).
d, U87/EGFR cells with or without PKM2 depletion were transfected with TOP-FLASH or FOP-FLASH, which was followed by EGF treatment for 10 h. Data represent the means ± SD of three independent experiments.
f, Myc-TCF4 was immunoprecipitated from PKM2-depleted or PKM2-undepleted U87/EGFR cells treated with or without EGF for 10 h.
g, h, PKM2 (g) or β-catenin (h) was immunoprecipitated from the indicated cell fractions of U87/EGFR cells treated with or without EGF for 6 h.
i, β-catenin immunoprecipitated from U87/EGFR cells with or without EGF treatment for 6 h was incubated with or without CIP (10 unit) for 30 min at 37°C followed by PBS washing for three times.
j, k, U87/EGFR cells stably expressing FLAG-tagged WT PKM2, PKM2 K433E (j), or PKM2 K367M (k) were treated with or without EGF for 6 h.