GC B cells (B220+IgDloGL7hiFashi) in draining lymph nodes six days post-immunization with NP-OVA in Alum. (A) Left: WT or Sh2d1a−/− mice without cell transfers; middle and right: transfer of WT or Sh2d1a−/− in vitro generated Th2 or Tfh-like cells into Sh2d1a−/− hosts one day prior to immunization. (B) Summary of % GC B cells in Sh2d1a−/− mice after cell transfer and immunization. Immunized WT mice had an average of 14.35 +/− 0.65 SEM % GC B cells. Transferred cells: WT, filled circles; Sh2d1a−/, open circles; no cells transferred (nt), open triangles. P<0.005 for WT Tfh-like cell transfers compared to all other cell transfers. (C) Tfh cells (CXCR5+PD-1+) in Sh2d1a−/− mice after transfer of Tfh-like cells and immunization. Left: total Tfh cells (gated on CD4+CD44hi); right: transferred donor cells (gated on CD4+CD44hiGFP+). (D) Summary of % GFP+ cells, 6 days post-immunization in draining LNs of Sh2d1a−/− mice that received WT or Sh2d1a−/− Tfh-like cells. Data points represent one mouse, from three or more independent experiments. (E) Immunofluorescence of draining lymph node sections. Top Panel: GFP+ OT-II cells (GFP+, green); GC (PNA, red); follicle (IgD, blue), 6 days after immunization. Middle panel: IgD and GFP+ cells only. Lower panel: GFP staining alone for better visualization. (F) NP-specific antibody titers (total IgG, IgG1, IgG2b) measured by ELISA. Data in (A), (C) and (F) are representative of three or more independent experiments.