Figure 5. Histone H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 modifications of Bcl6 and Prdm1.
H3K4me3 (blue) and H3K27me3 (red) modifications on (A, B) Bcl6 (chr16:23,941,577-24,012,259) and (C, D) Prdm1 (chr10:44,133,792-44,279,402) loci in (A, C) naïve CD4+ T cells, and double-polarized Th1, Th2, Th17, Tfh-like, and (B, D) CD4+CD19−CD44hiCXCR5+PD-1+ sorted Tfh-like cells and Tfh cells isolated ex vivo from SRBC-immunized mice. Biological triplicates for Th cell cultures are shown in Figure S4.