Table 1.
Exclusive and frequent functional food and nutraceuticals in the market of Bolivian immigrants in Liniers, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Families/species | Local name | Parts/products | Uses | Situation | Samples |
Apiaceae | |||||
Coriandrum sativum L. | Cilantro | Fresh leaves | Food and condiment, as a substitute of parsley. Nutraceutical: diuretic, aperitive, digestive, and antispasmodic | Frequent | FB 430 (LEBA) |
| |||||
Asteraceae | |||||
Baccharis articulata
(Lam) Pers. |
Carqueja | Fresh aerial parts (in bunches) | Beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: tonic, digestive, hepatic, diuretic, febrifuge, and cordial; in external application, vulnerary | Exclusive | FB 416 (LP) |
Baccharis trimera (Less.) DC. | Carquejilla/ Carqueja | Fresh aerial parts (in bunches) | Same as above | Exclusive | FB 424 (LEBA) |
Cynara cardunculus L. (= C. scolymus L.) |
Alcachofa | Leaves in bags and pills | For infusions. Nutraceutical: hepatic, cholagogue, choleretic, and depurative | Exclusive | JH H093, H094 (LEBA) |
Matricaria recutita L. | Manzanilla | Fresh aerial parts (in bunches) | Beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: sedative, slimming, digestive, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, pectoral, emollient, and vermifuge | Exclusive | FB 427 (LP) |
Porophyllum ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. | Quirquiña | Fresh aerial parts (in bunches) | Food and condiment, for soups, stews and sauces. Nutraceutical: diaphoretic, antispasmodic; in external application, vulnerary | Exclusive | FB 413 (LP) |
Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H.Rob. | Yacón | Fresh roots and jams | Food, as fruit or in salads (raw), for juices, syrups, jams, and teas. Functional food or Nutraceutical: antidiabetic | Exclusive | JH 6891 (LP), L006 (LEBA) |
Stevia rebaudiana L. | Yerba dulce | Fresh aerial parts or whole plant | Sweetener, for infusions and confectionary. Nutraceutical: antidiabetic and “antiageing” (antioxidant) | Exclusive | FB 415 (LP) |
Tagetes minuta L. | Huacatay | Fresh aerial parts (in bunches) | Condiment for soups, stews and sauces. Nutraceutical: diuretic, digestive, and antispasmodic. Insecticide | Exclusive | FB 403 (LEBA) |
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Basellaceae | |||||
Ullucus tuberosus Caldas | Papa lisa/ Ulluco |
Fresh tubers (sold loose or packed) | Food, for soups, stews, locro, and purees. Functional food: “healthy” food (antioxidant) | Frequent | FB 439 (LEBA) |
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Boraginaceae | |||||
Borago officinalis L. | Borraja | Fresh aerial parts | Food, eaten as a vegetable or in patty fillings; condiment in sauces, soups, and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: expectorant, cordial | Frequent | FB 414 (LP) |
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Brassicaceae | |||||
Lepidium meyenii Walp. (= L peruvianum G. Chacón) |
Maca | Roots in powder or as flour (sold loose or packed) | Nutraceutical: tonic of the nervous system, to stimulate memory, to improve sexuality and fertility, against fatigue and stress, “antiageing” (antioxidant). It is added to food and drinks | Frequent | JH H091, H160 (LEBA) |
Cactaceae | |||||
Opuntia ficus-indica
(L.) Mill. |
Tuna | Arrope (syrup) (in bottles) | Food. Functional food o nutraceutical: diuretic, antispasmodic, emollient, and vermifuge | Exclusive | JH L002 (LEBA) |
| |||||
Chenopodiaceae | |||||
Dysphania ambrosioides (L.) Mosyakin & Clemants (= Chenopodium ambrosioides L.) | Paico | Fresh aerial parts (in bunches) | Condiment in soups, stews, and other foods. Beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: tonic, aperitive, febrifuge, digestive, antispasmodic, carminative, hypotensive, emmenagogue, and vermifuge; in external application, antihemorroidal | Exclusive | FB 419 (LP) |
| |||||
Cucurbitaceae | |||||
Cyclanthera pedata (L.) Schrader | Caiwa/ Achojcha | Fresh fruits. | Food, used as pumpkin, in stews and soups. Functional food or nutraceutical: antidiabetic, analgesic, and hypotensive | Exclusive | FB 417 (LEBA) |
Cucurbita ficifolia Bouché | Cayote/ Alcayote | Fresh fruits | Food, as a fruit; also in soups and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: antidiabetic | Exclusive | JH 565 (LP) |
Sechium edule
(Jacq.) Sw. |
Chayote/ Papa del aire | Fresh fruits | Food, in stews, soups, fried, pies, and jams. Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, antidiabetic, and hypotensive | Exclusive | FB 418 (LEBA) |
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Euphorbiaceae | |||||
Plukenetia volubilis L. | Sacha inchi | Seeds in snacks, liquid, ointment and in powder | Food. Nutraceutical: depurative, hypocholesterolemic, antioxidant; in ointment, for bone pain, and inflammation | Frequent | JH L029 (LEBA) |
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Lamiaceae | |||||
Melissa officinalis L. | Toronjil/ Melisa | Fresh aerial parts | Condiment for sauces and various dishes. Nutraceutical: digestive, carminative, antispasmodic, cordial, and emmenagogue | Exclusive | FB 422 (LEBA) |
Mentha x piperita L. | Menta | Fresh aerial parts | Condiment for various dishes. Beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: aperitive, stimulant, digestive, antidiarrheal, carminative, and vermifuge | Exclusive | FB 428 (LEBA) |
Mentha spicata L. | Yerba buena | Fresh aerial parts | Condiment for various dishes. Beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: stimulant, digestive, hepatic, cholagogue, and pectoral | Exclusive | FB 423 (LEBA) |
Rosmarinus officinalis L. | Romero | Fresh aerial parts | Condiment for various dishes. Nutraceutical: antispasmodic, digestive, hepatic, depurative, and emmenagogue | Exclusive | FB 457 (LEBA) |
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Leguminosae | |||||
Arachis hypogaea L. | Maní boliviano | Dry seeds (sold loose) | Food, for soups and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: laxative, emollient, and pectoral | Exclusive | JH L007 (LEBA) |
Cicer arietinum L. | Garbanzo | Dry seeds and flour (sold loose) | Food, for soups, stews, and side dishes. Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, hypocholesterolemic | Frequent | JH L027 (LEBA) |
Geoffroea decorticans (Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.) Burkart | Chañar | Arrope (syrup) (in bottles) | Food. Nutraceutical: antitussive, expectorant, anticatarrhal, balsamic, emollient, and antiasthmatic | Frequent | JH L005 (LEBA) |
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. | Regaliz | Dry chopped roots | Sweetener. Nutraceutical: anti-inflammatory, digestive, antispasmodic, hepatic, diuretic, emollient, laxative, expectorant, and antiasthmatic | Frequent | JH H084 (LEBA) |
Glycine max (L) Merr. | Soja | Dry seeds and flour (sold loose) | Food, for stews, soups, and salads. Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, hypocholesterolemic, digestive, and laxative | Frequent | JH L019 (LEBA) |
Lablab purpureus
(L.) Sweet |
Poroto japonés | Fresh beans | Food (cooked). Functional food or nutraceutical: astringent, antidiarrheal, digestive, and febrifuge | Exclusive | FB 404 (LEBA) |
Lens culinaris Medik. | Lenteja común | Dry seeds (sold loose) | Food, for soups and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: antianemic, digestive, and laxative | Frequent | JH L018 (LEBA) |
Lentejón | Same as above | Frequent | JH L017 (LEBA) | ||
Lenteja turca | Same as above | Frequent | FB H05 (LEBA) | ||
Lenteja canadiense | Same as above | Frequent | JH L013 (LEBA) | ||
Lupinus albus L. | Lupín | Dry seeds (sold loose) | Food, for soups and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, vermifuge, emmenagogue | Frequent | JH L014 (LEBA) |
Lupinus mutabilis Sweet | Tauri/Tarwi | Dry seeds (sold loose) | Food, for soups, stews, purees, tamales, humita, and tortillas. Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, emollient, and vermifuge | Exclusive | FB H14 (LEBA) |
Pachyrhizus ahipa
(Wedd.) Parodi |
Ajipa | Fresh roots | Food, as fruit (raw) or vegetable (cooked). Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, expectorant, and antitussive | Exclusive | FB 374 (LEBA) |
Phaseolus lunatus L. | Poroto pallar | Dry seeds (sold loose) | Food, for salads, soups, and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: astringent, febrifuge, and emollient | Frequent | FB H13 (LEBA) |
Poroto de manteca | Same as above | Frequent | JH L024 (LEBA) | ||
Phaseolus vulgaris L. | Poroto/ Chaucha | Dry seeds and fresh legumes (sold loose) | Food, for salads, soups, stews, and locro. Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, hypoglycemic, hypotensive, and resolutive | Frequent | JH L028 (LEBA) |
Poroto alubia | Same as above | Frequent | JH L023 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto negro | Same as above | Frequent | JH L021 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto colorado | Same as above | Frequent | JH L022 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto regina | Same as above | Frequent | JH L008 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto cranberry | Same as above | Frequent | JH L010 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto San Francisco | Same as above | Frequent | FB H11 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto pitai | Same as above | Frequent | FB H12 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto paraguayo | Same as above | Frequent | JH L020 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto canario | Same as above | Frequent | FB H10 (LEBA) | ||
Poroto panamito | Same as above | Exclusive | FB 443 (LEBA) | ||
Pisum sativum L. | Arveja | Dry seeds and flour (sold loose) | Food, for salads, soups, and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: digestive, febrifuge, against dermatosis, and contraceptive | Frequent | JH L026 (LEBA) |
Prosopis alba Griseb. | Algarrobo blanco | Arrope (syrup) (in bottles) and flour (sold loose). | Food. Nutraceutical: stomachic, laxative, diuretic, pectoral, and antiasthmatic | Frequent | JH L004 (LEBA) |
Tamarindus indica L. | Tamarindo | Fruit pulp. | Food and Condiment. Functional food or nutraceutical: digestive, refreshing, laxative, and purgative | Frequent | JH L001 (LEBA) |
Vicia faba L. | Haba | Dry and toasted seeds (snacks) and fresh legumes (sold loose) | Food, for salads, soups and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, emollient, resolutive, and against colds | Frequent | JH L015, L016 (LEBA) |
Vigna angularis
(Willd.) Ohwi & H. Ohashi |
Poroto adzuki | Dry seeds (sold loose) | Food, for soups and stews, with cereals and rice, and confectionary. Functional food or nutraceutical: digestive, laxative, and hypoglycemic | Frequent | JH H101 (LEBA) |
Vigna radiata
(L.) R. Wilczer |
Poroto mung | Dry seeds (sold loose) | Food, for soups and stews. Functional food or nutraceutical: digestive, antidiarrheal, febrifuge, and tonic. | Frequent | JH L011 (LEBA) |
Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. | Poroto tape/Caupí | Dry seeds (sold loose) | Food, for soups, stews and purees. Functional food or nutraceutical: diuretic, digestive, laxative, tonic, and galactogene | Frequent | JH L012 (LEBA) |
| |||||
Moraceae | |||||
Ficus carica L. | Higo | Arrope (syrup) (in bottles) | Food. Functional food or nutraceutical: anti-inflammatory, emollient, vermifuge, and antioxidant | Exclusive | FB 453 (LEBA) |
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Myrtaceae | |||||
Eucalyptus cinérea F. Muell. ex Benth. | Eucalipto | Branches with fresh leaves (in bunches) | Beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: expectorant, against colds, anticatarrhal, antitussive, antiasthmatic, and antirheumatic | Exclusive | FB 425 (LEBA) |
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Oxalidaceae | |||||
Oxalis tuberosa Molina | Oca | Fresh tubers (sold loose or packed) | Food, for soups, stews, purees (cooked). Functional food: “healthy” food (antioxidant) | Frequent | FB 438 (LEBA) |
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Poaceae | |||||
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf | Pasto limón/ Citronela | Fresh tillers (in bunches) | Condiment for food and beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: sedative, stomachic, carminative, and antidiarrheal | Frequent | FB 407 (LEBA) |
Zea mays L. | Maíz morado (kulli) | Whole dry spikes or in powder (sold loose) | To make chicha morada (refreshing drink). Nutraceutical: depurative, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant | Exclusive | FB 431 (LEBA) |
Maíz chuspillo | Dry grains (sold loose or packed) | For toasted corn. Functional food | Exclusive | FB 448 (LEBA) | |
Maíz huillcaparu | To make chicha (alcoholic beverage). Functional food | Exclusive | FB 447 (LEBA) | ||
Maíz colorado | For soups, stews and other dishes. Functional food | Exclusive | FB 450 (LEBA) | ||
Maíz blanco | Same as above | Exclusive | FB 449 (LEBA) | ||
Maíz mote o pelado | Dry or cooked grains (sold packed) | For stews and other dishes, boiled in water. Functional food | Exclusive | FB 451 (LEBA) | |
Barba de choclo | Dry styles (sold loose) | Diuretic, hepatic, and antinephritic. | Frequent | JH H163 (LEBA) | |
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Rubiaceae | |||||
Coffea arabica L. | Sultana | Seeds (seed coat) (sold loose or packed) | Beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: antidiabetic, stimulant, antinephritic, and febrifuge | Exclusive | JH C095 (LEBA) |
Morinda citrifolia L. | Noni | Pulp made flour or powder (loose or packed) and capsules | To make beverages or to add to infusions. Nutraceutical: stimulant of immune system, antidepressant, sleep regulator, “antiageing” (antioxidant), anti-inflammatory, and cordial | Frequent | JH H092, H161-H162 (LEBA) |
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Solanaceae | |||||
Capsicum annuum L. | Ají picante | Fresh and dry fruits (sold loose or packed) | Food and condiment, for sauces, soups, stews, side dishes, and patty fillings. Functional food or nutraceutical: tonic, analgesic, and stimulant of the digestive system | Exclusive | JH C096 (LEBA) |
Ají escabeche | Exclusive | FB 433 (LEBA) | |||
Ají amarillo | Exclusive | FB 435 (LEBA) | |||
Ají campanita | Exclusive | FB 421 (LEBA) | |||
Capsicum pubescens Ruiz & Pav. | Locoto/ Rocoto | Fresh fruits (sold loose) and in powder (packed) | Condiment for soups, sauces, stews, patty fillings, and various dishes. Functional food or nutraceutical: tonic, analgesic, and stimulant of the digestive system | Exclusive | JH C094 (LEBA) |
Solanum tuberosum L. | Papa blanca, papa negra | Dried tubers (chuño) (sold loose or packed) | Food, for various dishes. Functional food and nutraceutical: cordial, hypotensive, and antispasmodic | Exclusive | FB 441-442 (LEBA) |
Papines | Fresh tubers (sold loose or packed) | Same as above | Frequent | FB 440 (LEBA) | |
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Verbenaceae | |||||
Aloysia citriodora Palau | Cedrón | Fresh aerial parts or whole plant | Food, condiment and beverage flavouring. Nutraceutical: against gastrointestinal disorders, sedative, and hypotensive | Exclusive | FB 455 (LEBA) |
Aloysia polystachya (Griseb.) Moldenke | Burrito/ Burro | Fresh aerial parts or whole plant | Beverage flavouring, fresh leaves are added to mate or used for make medicinal teas. Nutraceutical: sedative, digestive, antispasmodic, hepatic, carminative, and antiemetic | Exclusive | FB 456 (LEBA) |
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Vitaceae | |||||
Vitis vinífera L. | Uva | Arrope (syrup) (in bottles) | Food. Nutraceutical: refreshing, diuretic, astringent, and antidiarrheal | Exclusive | FB 454 (LEBA) |