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. 2011 Oct 19;73(3):134–152. doi: 10.1007/s00239-011-9462-3

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8

Multiple sequence alignment of homologs of Izh1p and Izh4p from the “Saccharomyces complex”. This multiple sequence alignment was produced manually. The shading key is as follows (# of sequences out of 18 with conserved residue): red ≥10 < 12, yellow ≥12 < 14, green ≥14 < 16, blue ≥16 < 18, black 18. Positions that are highly conserved in Classes I and II PAQRs, but not necessarily Class III PAQRs, are indicated with both purple shading and boxes under the consensus line. Positions that are invariant in the above sequences are shown in the consensus line without shading. The following amino acid groupings are considered conserved: FY, EDQN, ILV, TS, PG, KR. Approximate location of predicted transmembrane domains are indicated below the consensus line (Color figure online)