Yeast were grown aerobically in flasks as described in Materials and Methods. A & B. Wild type (A) and sod1Δ (B) were grown in SDC either untreated (solid squares), treated with 5 mM MnCl2 (grey solid circles), or treated with 30 µM MnTM-PyP (open squares), MnTBAP (open circles), MnTM-2-PyP (solid triangles), or MnTE-2-PyP (solid diamonds). C & D. wild type (black bars) and sod1Δ (grey bars) yeast were grown in SD-methionine (C) or SD-lysine (D) in the presence of the indicated concentration of MnTM-2-PyP. Growth was measured after 24 hours via culture turbidity at 700 nm (OD700). Data shown are averages of results from 2 or 3 independent cultures done on the same day; each experiment was repeated at least twice. In addition, similar results were obtained when yeast were grown in microtiter plates (not shown).