Figure 3. Relationship between clutch/litter size and body mass.
(A) in birds, (B) in mammals. Presented are least square regressions (solid lines) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (dashed lines, in B only the upper limit of the confidence interval is drawn). Sauropod clutch sizes (open circles) fit well to those of birds or lay somewhat above the upper limit of the confidence interval (A), but do not fit to litter sizes of mammals (B). Carnivorous (open triangles) and other herbivorous dinosaurs (circles with crosses) also fit better to clutch sizes of birds (A) than to litter sizes of mammals (B). Clutch sizes and body masses of dinosaurs are summarized in Table S3. For comparison, clutch sizes of crocodiles were also included (stars). Clutch sizes and body masses of crocodiles are derived from [70].