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. 2011 Dec 14;6(12):e28442. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0028442

Table 2. Correlations between body mass and reproductive characteristics for different avian and mammalian orders.

BM vs. clutch/litter size BM vs. annual offspring number
Struthioniformes 0 6 0 6
Tinamiformes 0 6 0 6
Galliformes 0 46 0 46
Anseriformes 0 58 0 58
Rodentia 0 60 0 32
Lagomorpha 0 14 -** 12
Artiodactyla -* 144 -*** 87
Perissodactyla 0 15 -*** 11
Primates 0 80 -*** 59
Diprotodontia 0 35

Significance levels:




Correlations are given for double log-transformed data using phylogenetic generalised least square regression (PGLS). 0 no correlation, +significant positive correlation, - significant negative correlation. BM body mass. N sample size.