Conformational changes of tau in the cingulate gyrus (CG) and amygdala in E391 transgenic mice. (A–L) Coronal paraffin sections were stained with ALZ50 (A, B, G. H), MC1 (C, D, I, J) and Tau2 (E, F, K, L). Somatodendritic distribution of conformational tau is apparent in E391-3608 mice (lower expressers) in the CG and amygdala. Little to no somatodendritic localization of conformational tau is detectable in the CG with the Alz50 or MC1 antibody in E391-3610 mice (higher expressers), although mild somatodendritic localization is detected in the CG with Tau2. The amygdala is not immunoreactive for conformation-specific antibodies in E391-3610 mice. *Abnormal granular dot-like neuritic processes in CG and supracallosal regions. Scale bars: 100 μm