AMPA receptor-mediated cell death was investigated in primary cultures of CGC isolated from WT and Ppt1−/− mice. Cultures were obtained from seven-day-old pups and maintained in Neurobasal medium with B-27 serum replacement. After three weeks of in vitro development, cultures were exposed to either AMPA and cyclothiazide or CPW-399 for two hours in Neurobasal medium without B-27. 100 μM cyclothiazide was added to prevent desensitization of AMPA receptors. To prevent transactivation of NMDA receptors, all treatments were done in the presence of 50 μM MK-801. At the end of the two-hour treatment, medium was replaced with complete, B-27-containing Neurobasal medium. Twenty-four hours later, the cell viability was determined using the MTT viability assay. Results presented here represent mean ± SEM of four separate culture preparations (n = 8-20). Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post test for multiple comparisons: *** p < 0.001.