Figure 1.
(A) Cellular and mitochondrial ATP content in HEK-293 and GRK2-HEK cells. (* p<0.05 vs HEK-293 cells). (B) Infection with AdCRE removes GRK2 gene in GRK2f/f cells. Recombinant floxed GRK2 cells were incubated either with adenovirus encoding for Cre recombinase (AdCRE, Vector Biolabs) or an empty virus (AdEMPTY) at MOI of 50 particles for 3 hours in a serum free medium. Cells were then maintained in culture and GRK2 removal was confirmed by western blot (1: cells treated with AdCRE; 2: cells treated with AdEMPTY). (C) Cellular and mitochondrial ATP content in GRK2f/f and GRK2f/f,CRE aortas derived cells. (+ p<0.05 vs GRK2f/f cells).