Figure 4.
ESR spectra of N-AcPro in 7.5M LiCl with K4Fe(CN)6 after 1 minute of 254 nm UV photoionization of K4Fe(CN)6 at 77K to produce electrons. A) Sample immediately after UV radiation at 77K; the photoejected electrons added to N-AcPro to form the electron adducts, RAD1( the singlet in the center) and RAD2 (the doublet ). B) Sample annealed to 152K resulting in loss of RAD2 and formation of RAD3. C) Sample annealed to 155K which results in the loss of RAD1 and increased formation of RAD3. D) Sample after annealing to 160K. E) Sample after annealing to 165K at which point all RAD1 has reacted. Some loss of intensity occurs due to radical – radical recombination. All spectra were recorded at 77K after annealing to temperatures shown in the figure.