Figure 6.
Aging reduces RGC dendritic arbor diameter. A, B, J-RGCs labeled with YFP were imaged in young adult and old mice. Arbor asymmetry was maintained with age. C, Total dendritic field area of J-RGCs was reduced with age (n = 36 young, 39 old; *p = 0.01). D, E, BD-RGCs labeled with YFP. F, Total dendritic field area of BD-RGCs was reduced with age (n = 30 young, 150 old; *p = 0.04). G, H, Dendritic field area expressed as a percentage of the total retinal area for J-RGCs (G, *p = 0.0002) and BD-RGCs (H, *p = 0.0005). The increase in total retina area amplifies the affect of age-related reductions in dendritic field size. I, Sketch showing that the increase in total retina area plus the reduced dendritic diameter could lead to incomplete coverage of the visual field by some RGC subtypes and decreased overlap for others. Scale bars: A, D, 300 μm; B, E, 100 μm.