Transient (A) <ATP> and (B) <O2> for cases with and without Mb and CK for O20 = 35.1 μM, εmito = 0.25, Vmax,ATPase = 120 mM/min, and L = 15 μm; CK functions as temporal buffer while the temporal buffering effect of Mb is very small. Under these conditions, the <RATPase> for the case without Mb and CK, with Mb alone, with CK alone, and with Mb and CK are 97.71, 97.73, 97.73, and 97.75 mM/min, respectively. In these plots, the <ATP> with Mb alone overlaps with the <ATP> without Mb and CK alone and the <ATP> with CK alone overlaps with <ATP> with Mb and CK (Fig. 9A) while the <O2> with Mb alone over laps with the <O2> without Mb and CK and <O2> with CK alone overlaps with <O2> with Mb and CK (Fig. 9B).