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. 2011 Dec;189(4):1487–1495. doi: 10.1534/genetics.111.131391

Table 1 . DS-associated phenotypes found in Ts65Dn and Ts1Rhr mice on different genetic backgrounds.

Strain Background Trisomy Body size Brain Cerebellum Hippocampus LTP Functional tests E9.5 PA1 Ets2 Dyrk1a Rcan1
Ts65Dn B6C3Fn ∼104 genes Smaller, shorter femura Similarb Reducedb Reducedc Decreasedd Abnormal Morris watere Reduced, fewer NCsf 3 3 3
Ts1Rhr 50% B6, 25% 129, 25% C3H ∼33 genes Larger,a,g longer femura Smallerg Reducedg Not significant but slightly largerh,i 3 3 2
50% B6, 50% 129 Largerj Largerj Reducedh,j Similarh,j
100% B6 Normal (CA1)j Normal Morris waterj Enlarged, more NCsi
B6C3Fn Largerk Largerk Similark Decreased (fascia dentata)k Impaired object recognition,k inferior T maze, thigmotaxick

Olson et al. (2004).


Escoriheula et al. (1995).


Normalized for size.


This study.

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