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. 2011 Sep 13;105(9):1451–1457. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2011.358

Table 2. Estimated geometric mean and geometric s.d. E2 in cases and controls for each study, and the estimation methods used.

  Estimated geometric mean (s.d.) E2
Study Cases Controls Method used to estimate s.d. loge(E2) in cases and controls
Wysowski et al (1987) 84.8 (1.91) 101.5 (1.91) Pooled s.d. across cases and controls from all other studies
Helzlsouer et al (1994) 44.7 (3.00) 47.9 (NA) Two quantiles in cases (median in cases plus a further quantile calculated from no. of cases above and below control median) on a Q–Q plot used to estimate s.d. E2 in cases. s.d. loge(E2) calculated from mean and s.d. E2, assuming a normal distribution for loge(E2)
Rosenberg et al (1994) 137.0 (2.19) 138.4 (2.01) s.d. loge(E2) in cases and controls reported
Thomas et al (1997) a 86.0 (1.72) 77.0 (1.72) Geometric mean E2 in cases and controls, with 95% CIs, reported
Kabuto et al (2000) NA 87.4 (2.03) s.d. log10(E2) in controls reported
Kaaks et al (2005) a 86.3 (1.97) 80.5 (2.03) s.d. loge(E2) calculated from mean and s.d. E2, assuming a normal distribution for loge(E2), separately for cases and controls
Eliassen et al (2006) (follicular) 49.4 (1.73) 43.8 (1.82) Quartiles plus median, 12.5th and 87.5th percentiles E2 on a Q–Q plot used to estimate mean and s.d. E2. s.d. loge(E2) calculated from mean and s.d. E2, assuming a normal distribution for loge(E2), separately for cases and controls
Eliassen et al (2006) (luteal) 120.3 (1.43) 117.9 (1.55) As above, separately for luteal E2

Abbreviations: CIs=confidence intervals; NA=not applicable; Q–Q=quantile–quantile plot.


Thomas et al and Kaaks et al report the mean E2 in pmol l−1. These were converted to pg ml−1 by multiplying by 0.272.