(A) Schematic representation of an embryonic brain sagittal section summarizing the position and direction of the tractus postopticus (tpoc – large red arrow), sot (supraoptic tractus), sm (stria medullaris). (B) A DiI crystal in the caudal hypothalamus of an E11 mouse labels only the tpoc. (C) Control crystal deposited in the ventral mesencephalon of a E11 mouse embryo. The medial longitudinal fascicle (mlf), the tpoc and dorsally directed fibers in the tegmentum are labeled. (D–F) A DiI crystal deposited within the MCH region (J – in situ hybridization for MCH on the same sagittal section) labels caudally but also rostrally directed axons. (G) Control crystals deposited in SN/VTA labeled several tractus as mlf, tpoc, mfb (arrow) or the fasciculus retroflexus. Scale bar: B, C, D, G = 1 mm; E, F = 500 µm. DOR: dorsal thalamus; MAM: mammillary level, hypothalamus; Mes: mesencephalon; Tel: telencephalon; V3: third ventricle; VNT: ventral thalamus.