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. 2011 Dec 16;6(12):e29061. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029061

Table 2. Summary of patients with normal expression of dysferlin included in this study.

Patient Sex Age Phentoype PBMWB(%) MuscleWB(%) MuscleIH Gene Nucleotide change Protein change
C_1 M 19 LGMD2A 121.6 110.5 2 CAPN3 c.2362_2363delinsTCATCTc.2362_2363delinsTCATCT p.Arg788SerfsX14p.Arg788SerfsX14
C_2 M 48 BMD 100 96 3 DYS c.1704+2T>A p.Cys569ValfsX18
C_3 M 73 POMPE 116.2 93.6 3 GAA c.1195_1G>Ac.1856G>A IVS17p.Ser619Asn
C_4 F 40 POMPE 125 118.7 3 GAA c.32_13T>Gc.236_246delCCACACAGTGC IVS1-13 T>Gp.Pro79ArgfsX13
C_5 F 56 POMPE 110.5 100 N GAA c.32_13T>Gc.2600_2604delTGCTGinsA IVS1-13 T>G; p.Val1867GlufsX19
C_6 F 30 ANO5 100 100 N ANO5 c.191dupAc.1627dupA p.Asn64LysfsX15p.Met543AsnfsX11
C_7 M 35 Mitochondrial myopathy 100 98.6 N
C_8 F 46 Nonaka 110.5 100 1 GNE c.934G>Ac.1519A>C p.Gly312Argp.Thr507Pro
C_9* M 62 HyperCKs 140 105.2 1
C_10 F McArdle 100 100 N PYGM c.1979C>Tc.1760T>C p.Ala660Aspp.Leu587Pro
C_11 F 59 VCP 149.4 130.1 N VCP c.277C>T p.Arg93Cys
C_12 M 55 PM 100 77.5 N
C_13 F 57 PM 98.3 89.9 3
C_14* M 43 LGMD 100 99.5 3
C_15* M 46 LGMD 150 132.6 3
C_16* M 43 LGMD 100 100 2
C_17* F 29 HyperCKs 98.3 93.3 N
C_18* M 61 Myalgias hiperCKs 140 151.1 2
C_19* M 59 Muscular dystrophy 114.9 108 1
C_20* M 49 Calf atrophy 125.5 100 N
C_21* M 42 MM like 100 100 1

N-Normal; 1- reduced sarcolemma; 2- Reduced sarcolemma and increased sarcoplasm staining; 3- Variable sarcoplasm staining.

*Patients with DYSF gene analyzed and no mutations found.

M:male; F: female; LGMD: limb girdle muscle dystrophy; VCP: valosin containing protein; PM: polimyositis; MM: Miyoshi myopathy. HMZ: homozygous.

The mutation of pathological control C_X have been previously described [38].