Figure 1. Identification of VCAM-1 as a bone metastasis gene in a mouse model of metastatic dormancy and activation.
(A) Relationship of parental SCP6 and post-dormancy (PD) sublines. Sublines with strong bone-metastatic ability were color-coded in red and sublines with weak bone-metastatic ability were color-coded in green. (B-C) Kaplan-Meier curve of bone metastasis development of different cell lines with BLI of representative mice. N=10. (D) Supervised clustering of samples using genes differentially expressed between weak (green) and strong (red) bone-metastatic cell lines. Genes highlighted in red were functionally tested. (E) Differential expression of VCAM-1 in parental and PD sublines detected by western blot. (F) VCAM-1 KD in PD2D as detected by western blot. (G) Kaplan-Meier curve of bone metastasis development of the indicated PD2D cells. N=8. **p < 0.01, #p > 0.1 by log-rank test. (H) Representative BLI of mice from (G) on Day 63 and Day 112. (I) Representative X-radiographs with arrows pointing to osteolytic lesions. See also Figure S1 and Table S1.