(A and B) Proteoliposomes containing purified His-PS1 and His-PS1-M146V proteins were analyzed by SDS gel electrophoresis followed by Coomassie staining (A) or Western blotting (B).
(C) Nystatin/ergosterol-mediated fusion of His-PS1 proteoliposomes with BLM. Large nystatin channels are observed upon fusion of proteoliposomes with the bilayer. The activity of nystatin channels is terminated following perfusion of the cis chamber.
(D) Na+ currents are shown for empty BLM (BLM) and for experiments with protein-free liposomes and proteoliposomes containing purified His-PS1 and His-PS1-M146V. The dotted lines represent the zero level for the current traces. The direction of the current is consistent with Na+ as a current carrier (600 mM NaCl cis and 150 mM NaCl trans). For each experiment, 10 s of continuous current recording is shown. Similar results were obtained in at least three experiments with each batch of liposomes.