Figure 1. Multiparticle refinement reveals four structurally distinct sub-populations in the PRE complex.
(A, B) Representation of the two non-rotated populations with 3 classically positioned A-, P- and E-site tRNAs. (C, D) Representation of the two rotated sub-states, where deacylated tRNA occupies a P/E hybrid state while the peptidyl-tRNA body adopts configurations that are similar to classical (C) or hybrid (D) positions. Color code: 60S subunit (blue), 40S subunit (yellow), A-site tRNA (pink), P-tRNA (green), E-site tRNA (orange).
See alsoFigure S1. Heterogeneity in the 80S ribosome PRE complexes from rabbit liver.
Figure S2. Resolution curves for the four sub-populations of the mammalian PRE complex.