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. 2011 Sep 28;37(2):364–377. doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.219

Table 1. Differentially Expressed Candidate Proteins in Hippocampal Tissue Derived From MAM and Sham Rats.

  Swiss Prot ID Gene name Peptides quantified Sequence coverage (%) Average intensity, MAM±SD Average intensity, SHAM±SD Ratio, MAM/SHAM p-value RSD QCs (%)
Protein fraction 1                  
Guanine deaminase Q9WTT6 GDA 41 76 31 338±1839 28 491±1490 1.09 0.0027 1
Hippocalcin P84076 HPCA 21 86 49 947±4522 62 606±2655 0.80 0.0000 8
Lactate dehydrogenase A P04642 LDHA 40 89 85 713±5698 94 515±6680 0.91 0.0058 3
Myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase-C substrate P30009 MARCKS 13 60 24 461±1511 19 924±2094 1.21 0.0001 2
Protein fraction 2                  
Amphiphysin O08838 AMPH 22 49 19 898±1111 21 274±1369 0.94 0.0244 2
ARP3 actin-related protein 3 Q4V7C7 ACTR3 25 70 24 523±837 27 415±1753 0.89 0.0003 8
ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plasma membrane 1 P11505 PMCA1 69 62 26 650±990 31 272±1463 0.85 0.0000 3
ATPase, Na+/K+ transporting P06685 ATP1A1 60 51 81 921±4513 77 393±4361 1.06 0.0342 2
Basigin P26453 BSG 8 30 10 443±1056 12 180±830 0.86 0.0014 12
Calcium channel, voltage-dependent, γ-subunit 8 Q8VHW5 CACNG8 3 14 20 737±2923 24 053±2917 0.86 0.0188 7
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα P11275 CAMK2A 31 65 107 485±10 925 12 7287±11 068 0.84 0.0010 6
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIδ P15791 CAMK2D 17 44 18 553±1273 20 051±1139 0.93 0.0138 6
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIγ P11730 CAMK2G 17 47 12 968±670 11 998±695 1.08 0.0058 7
Calmodulin P62161 CAM 17 89 97 711±12 227 10 9183±6598 0.89 0.0257 9
Capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line, α2 Q3T1K5 CAPZA2 8 42 16 601±837 18 153±1505 0.91 0.0124 7
Dipeptidyl-peptidase 6 P46101 DPP6 13 26 16 133±770 17 054±722 0.95 0.0118 7
Dynamin 1 P21575 DNM1 73 81 37 638±1047 39 025±1555 0.96 0.0313 2
FK506 binding protein 1A, 12 kDa Q62658 FKBP1A 7 78 30 458±3165 36 348±2870 0.84 0.0009 7
Glial high-affinity glutamate transporter member 3 P24942 SLC1A3 21 46 61 487±3811 57 770±3472 1.06 0.0335 6
Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, and AMPA-1 P19490 AMPA1 27 42 14 177±870 15w938±659 0.89 0.0001 7
Glutamate receptor, ionotropic, and AMPA 2 P19491 AMPA2 52 62 13 719±588 14 760±888 0.93 0.0064 6
Glutaminase P13264 GLS 46 70 22 286±1140 24 418±1362 0.91 0.0013 5
Hemoglobin, β P02091 HBB 15 83 87 376±20 210 69 534±12 326 1.26 0.0217 10
Hippocalcin P84076 HPCA 15 70 32 618±2910 38 319±2639 0.85 0.0003 9
Hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase 15-(NAD) O08699 HPGD 5 32 14214±853 15 848±1917 0.90 0.0354 5
Limbic system-associated membrane protein Q62813 LSAMP 4 9 11 014±1105 12 013±659 0.92 0.0231 12
Myosin, heavy chain 4 Q29RW1 MYH4 27 20 16 105±510 16 803±555 0.96 0.0093 6
Myristoylated alanine-rich protein kinase-C substrate P30009 MARCKS 16 63 18 180±954 14 564±3383 1.25 0.0218 9
Neural cell-adhesion molecule 1 P13596 NCAM1 46 66 33 399±1662 30 806±1661 1.08 0.0029 5
Peroxiredoxin 6 O35244 PRDX6 20 74 22 516±1223 20 572±2199 1.09 0.0294 9
Protein phosphatase 2, catalytic subunit, αisoform P63331 PPP2CA 3 21 4523±815 5932±1049 0.76 0.0033 29
Protein phosphatase 3, catalytic subunit, αisoform P63329 PPP3CA 31 66 37 842±1688 41 973±3455 0.90 0.0042 5
RAB14 P61107 RAB14 23 74 19 017±1391 20 161±707 0.94 0.0382 9
RAB3C P62824 RAB3C 12 49 40 694±3487 36 178±3076 1.12 0.0076 6
RAB8B P70550 RAB8B 7 51 11 284±837 10 442±851 1.08 0.0393 11
Solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 4 Q9JI66 SLC4A4 18 29 11 815±832 11 013±650 1.07 0.0286 4
Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2B Q63564 SV2B 3 8 11 568±1315 13 008±1322 0.89 0.0261 17
Synaptojanin 1 Q62910 SYNJ1 33 27 26 469±1194 29 115±1604 0.91 0.0006 4
Tubulin, α8 Q6AY56 TUBA8 12 36 14 945±2221 17 439±1984 0.86 0.0268 10
Tubulin, β2B Q3KRE8 TUBB2B 4 16 22 304±1794 20 001±2580 1.12 0.0331 5

The proteins in (a) fraction 1 (10 MAM and 10 sham rats) and (b) fraction 2 (10 MAM and 10 sham rats) indicating averaged protein intensities (rounded to integers) and the standard deviation (SD), MAM/sham protein abundance ratios, p-values and relative standard deviation (RSD) for the measurement of each protein (determined by analysis of five quality controls that have been prepared and analyzed with the MAM and sham samples).