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. 2012 Jan 1;35(1):41–48. doi: 10.5665/sleep.1582

Table 6.

Previous studies of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in OSA

Reference N OSA, control ROI Findings Other results Comment
    Kamba27 15,23 Medial parietooccipital cortex, parietoccipital PWM Decreased NAA/Cho in WM not GM in severe OSA vs mild OSA and control Multiple comorbidities. OSA patients older.
    Kamba28 55,0 Medial parietooccipital cortex, parietoccipital PWM Decreased NAA/Cho proportional to AHI, independent of age and comorbidity. No relationship to indices of oxygenation
    Bartlett30 8,5 Left hippocampus Increased NAA/Cr No correlation with PVT but correlated with arousal index Felt primarily due to decreased Cr
    Alchanatis29 22,10 Frontal PWM, prefrontal GM, parietoccipital PWM. Decreased NAA/Cr and Cho/Cr frontal white matter No differences other locations. No correlation with OSA severity. Some cardiovascular disease. Results the same if these excluded.
    Tonon31 14,10 Medial parietoccipital cortex Decreased NAA, unchanged after 6 months CPAP Correlation with nadir SpO2 and with MSLT but not neuropsych testing Careful screening for comorbidity. Patient reported compliance only.
    Sarchielli32 20, 20 Frontal and temporal voxels including both GM and WM Decreased frontal NAA/Cr, increased temporal Cho/Cr Frontal changes correlated with AHI

Explanation of terms: ROI, region of interest; PWM, periventricular white matter; GM, gray matter; PVT, psychomotor vigilance task; MSLT, mean latency on multiple sleep latency test.