Relative length of the vascular lung (VL), expressed as a decimal fraction of total body length (TL), for terrestrial viperid and non–viperid species. Arboreal–scansorial species of each group are included, represented by the open squares (□) within envelopes to emphasize separation. The regression for viperid species is not significant (VLrel = 0.221 + 0.001TL; r2 = 0.104, P = 0.362, P = 0.192), whereas the relative length of vascular lung in other terrestrial species decreases with increasing total body length (VLrel = 0.154 − 3.589 × 10−4 TL; r2 = 0.144, P = 0.017). Note that trends for this character are opposite in viperid compared with non–viperid species of snakes.