Figure 2.
Immunohistochemistry revealed significant differences between sham tissues after different post-surgical durations. The fraction of C2 and C4 ventral horn occupied by OX42 (A) was significantly different between days. The fraction of C2 and C4 ventral horn occupied by GFAP (B) did not differ significantly between days. A representative image from each day post-surgery is provided in rows for both C2 (C) and C4 (D). All images were taken from sham tissues. The first column in each panel is a merged image showing Neurotrace (blue), OX42 (red) and GFAP (green). OX42 and GFAP are shown individually in panels to the right of the merged image. One-Way ANOVA run for each antigen separately within each spinal segment; p<0.05: *vs. 1d, †vs. 1d and 3d, ‡vs. 3d. Scale bar is 40μm.