A similar degree of efficient cotranscriptional splicing is present in heterogeneous fly head tissue as well as S2 cells. (A) A histogram of the percent of all introns of abundantly transcribed genes, grouped by intron retention. S2 cell NUN RNA is in blue, and fly head NUN RNA is in purple. Retention = reads per base pair in introns/reads per base pair in all exons. (B) A scatter plot of intron retention values for individual introns in both S2 cells and fly heads. Although there are small variances in splicing of individual introns between tissues, there is a high correlation (Spearman's ρ = 0.641, P < 0.01). (C) An example gene, Ppn, whose first intron (red arrow) has dramatic differences in cotranscriptional splicing between the fly head (purple) and S2 cell (blue) NUN RNA fractions. (D) Quantification of intron retention for the introns of Ppn.