EI-MS/MS of isomeric C17 FAME. (A) n-17:0 yields exclusively a series of ions reflecting cleavage between C-C bonds; adjacent fragment ions appear as an envelope of intensities. (B) iso-17:0 yields a major ion at m/z 241 due to loss of the terminal isopropyl group [M-43] in the parent FAME as well as minor ions from C-C bond cleavage. (C) anteiso-17:0 yields two major ions reflecting bond breakage on both sides of the branch point in the parent FAME, at m/z 227 [M-57] and 255 [M-29]. (D) 10,13-dimethyl-15:0 yields ions reflecting bond breakage around the branch points. A branch at the 10 position is evident because of the negligible intensity of m/z 185 at the intermediate branch point.