Select ESCRT mutants phenocopy nhx1Δ growth. Growth of BY4742 (WT), nhx1Δ, and isogenic single gene deletions in the ESCRT pathway was monitored in defined (APG) medium adjusted to the indicated pH (4.0 or 2.7) or supplemented with KCl (1 m) or hygromycin B (3.3 μg/ml). Growth (A600 nm) was normalized to control pH (4.0; upper panel) or to medium without KCl (middle panel) or without hygromycin B (lower panel) for each strain. Results are average of triplicates and representative of at least three independent experiments. Similar results were obtained with NaCl in place of KCl (not shown). Strains are grouped on basis of similarity to nhx1Δ as seen by placement of horizontal gray dashed lines.