Figure 7.
Model of (A) PHV Gn 548–602 superimposed on the (B) Andes virus zinc finger structure. The PHV model (cyan) matched the Andes structure (green) with a backbone rmsd of 0.68 for all Cα’s. The PHV model was constructed using I-TASSER (Zhang, 2008) using the Andes structure as a template. Structural alignment was carried out using I-TASSER TM-align (Zhang and Skolnick, 2005). Surface electrostatic comparison between the (C) PHV model (residues 548–602) and (D) the Andes virus zinc finger domain (residues 534–599). Despite the presence of two charges (K566 and K592), the net distribution of charges in the PHV model is not appreciably different from that of the pathogenic.