Table 1.
The Human Herpesviruses
Subfamily | Human members |
Seroprevalence (adults) |
Associated diseases in the immunocompetent hosta |
Lytic cell targets |
Latent cell targets | Naturally evolved rodent virus models |
α | HSV1 HSV2 VZV |
50–90% 15–95%b 90–100%c |
HSV1/2: Recurrent oral and genital ulcers; VZV: chicken pox, zoster (shingles) |
HSV1/2: mucosal epithelium. VZV: respiratory epithelium, T lymphocytes | Sensory neuronal ganglia | There are no known rodent α-herpesviruses. HSV1/2 can infect mice but do not recapitulate all aspects of human disease. |
β | HCMV HHV6 HHV7 |
60–100% 90–100% 90–100% |
HCMV: Mononucleosis, congenital defects following transplacental infection. HHV6/7: infantile roseola | HCMV: mucosal epithelium HHV6/7: mucosal epithelium |
HCMV: myeloid lineage hematopoietic cells, smooth muscle cells, salivary and kidney epithelium HHV6/7: myeloid myeloid lineage hematopoietic cells, CD4+ T cells, salivary epithelium |
Rat and mouse CMV (MCMV) |
γ | EBV, KSHV | 90–100% <5 to>50%d |
EBV: Mononucleosis, Burkitt’s and other lymphomas, nasopharyngeal carcinoma KSHV: Kaposi sarcoma, multicentric Castleman’s disease, peripheral effusion lymphoma |
EBV: oral epithelium KSHV: not known |
EBV: memory B cells KSHV: memory B cells, endothelial cells |
Murine gamma-herpesvirus 68 (MHV68, γHV68) |
Disease manifestations can vary quantitatively and qualitatively in the immune compromised individual
Frequency correlates strongly with number of sexual partners
Seroprevalence of VZV is estimated from studies occurring prior to the widespread adoption of live attenuated VZV vaccination
KSHV seroprevalence has a strong geographic bias