Figure 1.
N-mtMCM structures. (a) Linear structure for full-length mtMCM, showing the N-terminal (N-mtMCM) and C-terminal parts (C-mtMCM). N-mtMCM shows domain A in yellow and domains B and C (B/C) in blue, whereas C-mtMCM includes the catalytic region (AAA+) and the HTH motif, both shown in white. An unstructured loop region is present in N-mtMCM between domain A and domain B/C, and is shown in green. A second unstructured region between N-mtMCM and C-mtMCM is shown in purple. (b) N-mtMCM sequence with domains A and B/C and the two unstructured regions shown in the same colors as in panel a. (c) Example of a series 1 N-mtMCM model structure. Unstructured residues 244–286 (purple) are defined as flexible for the SASSIE analysis. Unstructured residues 89–108 (green) are positioned as in the crystal structure (1LTL). (d) Example of a series 2 N-mtMCM model structure. Unstructured residues 89–108 (green) and 244–286 (purple) are defined as flexible. In addition, the region containing residues 244–286 (purple) is defined as stretched out (away from the central hole) in the starting structure for SASSIE analysis. (e) Example of a series 3 N-mtMCM model structure. Unstructured residues 89–108 (green) and 244–286 (purple) are defined as flexible. However, the region containing residues 244–286 (purple) is defined as folded inward (near the central hole) in the starting structure for SASSIE analysis.