Figure 4. Reversible GFP-marked DOX-dependent knockdown in live animals.
(A) GFP and bioluminescent images of E17.5 TG-luc.1309;R26-rtTA;Rosa-Luciferase (shluc/R/RL) embryos sacrificed from pregnant females treated with or without DOX.
(B) Relative GFP intensity and (C) bioluminescence between shluc/RL and shluc/R/RL embryos. Error bars represent SEM, n=7.
(D) In vivo bioluminescent time course imaging of TG-luc.1309;R26-rtTA;Rosa-Luciferase (shluc/R/RL) triple transgenics and controls. Animals were treated with or without DOX for 4 days, then removed from treatment.
See also Figure S4