Table 1. Comparison between measured tip-sample Interaction values in case of pristine nanoparticle samples, as shown in figure 4, and single particle expectation values as theoretically derived from equations 4 and 7. For the single particle calculations the experimental tip-sample parameters have been used (mm = 3*10−19 Am2; mt = 1*10−16 Am2; H = 20 nm; ASP = 85 nm; z0≈52 nm). The third column contains the ratio between experimental data and single particle expectation values, allowing for a direct estimation of the number of particles involved in the interaction.
Signal | Measured Value (from figure 4b,c) | Single particle expectation value | Ratio (particles) |
Force gradient | 375 μN/m | 48 μN/m | ∼8 |
Energy loss | 15 eV | 150 meV | ∼100 |