Table 4. Average percent sequence-reads of common bacterial genera estimated by culture-independent 16S-amplicon 454-sequencing in T. septentrionalis ant samples (outside workers, garden workers, female reproductives, males). The information presents the average percent sequence-reads per ant sample type (+/− standard deviation) according to the assigned reference genus in the forced-genus BLAST (see Supplementary Table S2 for assignments in the forced-genus BLAST-identification). As a measure of consistency of association between samples, numbers in parentheses give the number of samples containing the respective bacterial genus per total number of samples screened.
Genus | Order | Class | Garden Worker | Outside Worker | Reproductive Female | Male |
Aeromicrobium | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 6.37% +/− 6.05 (24/25) | 8.24% +/− 5.01 (25/25) | 3.94% +/− 5.03 (8/9) | .05% +/− .06 (2/3) |
Agrococcus | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 7.42% +/− 4.06 (25/25) | 7.15% +/− 3.15 (25/25) | 10.75% +/− 8.93 (8/9) | .02% +/− .04 (1/3) |
Corynebacterium | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 1.90% +/− 7.00 (12/25) | 0.17% +/− .35 (9/25) | 0% | 0.83% +/− 1.44 (1/3) |
Dermacoccus | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 1.05% +/− 3.38 (13/25) | 0.62% +/− 1.45 (13/25) | 0.81% +/− 0.82 (6/9) | 1.16% +/− 1.89 (2/3) |
Microlunatus | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 10.76% +/− 4.62 (25/25) | 10.10% +/− 4.23 (25/25) | 4.00% +/− 4.07 (9/9) | 0.36% +/− .62 (1/3) |
Nocardiodes | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 1.23% +/− 2.49 (21/25) | 1.46% +/− 2.65 (22/25) | 0.12% +/− 0.21 (4/9) | .25% +/− .44 (1/3) |
Phycicoccus | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 6.82% +/− 3.43 (24/25) | 8.14% +/− 4.09 (25/25) | 4.58% +/− 5.55 (7/9) | 0% |
Ponticoccus | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 1.72% +/− 1.44 (25/25) | 1.29% +/− 0.85 (25/25) | 0.93% +/− .96 (6/9) | 0.05% +/− 0.10 (1/3) |
Pseudonocardia | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 7.05% +/− 17.15 (25/25) | 3.52% +/− 2.55 (25/25) | 41.99% +/− 29.00 (9/9) | 17.35% +/− 21.73 (3/3) |
Solirubrobacter | Solirubrobacterales | Actinobacteria | 30.93% +/− 11.08 (25/25) | 29.21% +/− 10.17 (25/25) | 15.47% +/− 11.92 (9/9) | 12.19% +/− 19.26 (3/3) |
unknown genus | Actinomycetales | Actinobacteria | 2.66% +/− 1.8 (25/25) | 2.95% +/− 2.01 (25/25) | 1.06% +/− 1.28 (8/9) | 0.03% +/− 0.06 (1/3) |
Bacillus | Bacillales | Bacilli | 0.11% +/− 0.27 (10/25) | 1.46% +/− 7.11 (10/25) | 0.04% +/− 0.08 (2/9) | 0.08% +/− 0.09 (2/3) |
Bacteriodes | Bacteroidales | Bacteroidia | 0.24% +/− 0.44 (14/25) | 0.14% +/− 0.40 (9/25) | 2.54% +/− 5.30 (4/9) | 4.80% +/− 8.31 (1/3) |
Burkholderia | Burkholderiales | Betaproteobacteria | 0.08% +/− 0.17 (11/25) | 0.08% +/− .14% (12/25) | 3.33% +/− 6.62 (2/9) | 0.08% +/− 0.14 (1/3) |
Derxia | Burkholderiales | Betaproteobacteria | 8.69% +/− 5.70 (25/25) | 8.32% +/− 5.35 (25/25) | 2.05% +/− 2.35 (7/9) | 0.68% +/− 1.18 (1/3) |
Pseudomonas | Pseudomonadales | Gammaproteobacteria | 0.18% +/− 0.35 (15/25) | 0.12% +/− 0.16 (20/25) | 0.52% +/− 0.92 (6/9) | 9.95% +/− 14.25 (3/3) |
Xanthomonas | Xanthomonadales | Gammaproteobacteria | 1.35% +/− 1.91 (19/25) | 1.49% +/− 1.91 (17/25) | 0% | 0% |
Mesoplasma | Entomoplasmatales | Mollicutes | 1.80% +/− 6.32 (2/25) | 1.54% +/− 6.96 (3/25) | 0% | 0% |
Spiroplasma | Entomoplasmatales | Mollicutes | 2.59% +/− 9.75 (4/25) | 7.28% +/− 19.83 (6/25) | 0.01% +/− 0.03 (2/9) | 0% |