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. 2012 Jan;262(1):269–278. doi: 10.1148/radiol.11110251

Figure 5b:

Figure 5b:

Axial (a) R2* map and (b) QSM profile in 75-year-old man show iron and calcium deposits. The same cube ROI used for measuring total susceptibility was translated to the R2* map for measuring the total R2* of each microbleed. Note that calcification in the choroid plexus (white arrow) has a similar hyperintense appearance as a microbleed on a. This ambiguity is removed on b. There is a contrast between the pulvinar nucleus (yellow arrow 1) and the rest of the thalamus (yellow arrow 2). Myelin-rich structures such as the optic radiations (yellow arrow 3) show negative susceptibility. Deoxyhemoglobin in venous blood, such as in the internal occipital vein (yellow arrow 4), is paramagnetic. (c) Graph shows the positive linear relationship observed between the total R2* and total susceptibility of the 40 cerebral microbleeds. The window/level is adjusted to from 0 to 100 sec−1 for the R2* map and from −0.1 to 0.2 ppm for the QSM.