Figure 5.
Phytochrome-induced enhancement of phot1-dependent phototropism in Arabidopsis.
(A) Three-d-old etiolated seedlings mock-irradiated for 8 h.
(B) Three-d-old etiolated seedlings mock-irradiated for 4 h, then exposed to 4 h of unilateral blue light (λmax = 436 nm, 30 nm half-band; at a fluence rate of 0.1 µmol m-2 s-1) from the left.
(C) Three-d-old etiolated seedlings exposed to 4 h of red light (λmax = 660 nm, 30 nm half-band; at a fluence rate of 0.3 µmol m-2 s-1) from above, then 4 h of unilateral blue light (λmax = 436 nm, 30 nm half-band; at a fluence rate of 0.1 µmol m-2 s-1) from the left.