UPC compound |
A list of synonyms
Information relating to 2D structure (formula, MW, InChI, 2D coordinates)
A chemical type (abstract, chemical)
Cross-references to chemical resources: KEGG, MetaCyc and ChEBI
UCR chemical reaction |
A unique identifier (ucrid)
Left part compounds and their stoichiometry
Right part compounds and their stoichiometry
UER enzymatic reaction |
A unique identifier (uerid)
A (ordered) list of UCR, representing either a single UCR or the serialization of several UCRs, and specifying a direction and stoichiometry for each UCR
A global chemical equation specifying input and output compound(s) and their stoichiometry
A subpathway (ULS) container
A set of alternate UERs (for cases where a single enzyme can catalyze two reactions differing only by their co-substrates, such as NADPH/NADH)
One or more EC numbers
Cross-references to other reaction resources: MetaCyc and Rhea
Bibliographic references (PubMed)
UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, protein/domain families, taxonomic identifiers, genes
ULS linear subpathway |
A unique identifier (ulsid)
A label, automatically computed from its terminal compounds [product(s) from substrates]
A (ordered) list of UERs
UPA pathway |
A unique identifier (upaid)
A label (from a controlled vocabulary of pathway names)
One or more parent pathways (UPA)
A set of subpathways (ULS) and their connecting compounds
Cross-references to pathway resources: KEGG, MetaCyc, Gene Ontology
Bibliographic references (PubMed)