Figure 1.
Locus Summary page for A. fumigatus fre2. (A) Navigation tabs lead to expanded reports on Locus History, relevant literature, GO and phenotype annotations and protein details. (B) Basic Information section provides gene names and aliases, a headline-like description of the gene product, links to orthologous genes in other Aspergillus species in AspGD and links to orthologs in S. cerevisiae at SGD. (C) GO section lists functional annotations derived from manual curation of available data and from orthology-based and protein domain-based computational analysis. (D) Mutant Phenotype section outlines literature-derived experimental data for mutant phenotypes. (E) Sequence Information section gives an overview of the gene model and provides access to sequences (parts of this section have been removed from the figure to conserve space). (F) Additional Information section includes other notes and the list of references cited on the Locus Summary page. The comprehensive citation list for the gene is found on the gene’s Literature Guide, accessible from the Literature tab near the top of the Locus Summary page.