A.) Hepatic copper concentrations were measured in dried liver tissue of Commd1
loxP/loxP (white bars; n = 4–6) and Commd1
Δhep mice (black bars, n = 5–7) (fed a copper-enriched diet for 3, 6, 28, 40 and 52 weeks) by means of FAAS. Data are represented as hepatic copper concentrations (µg/g dry liver weight). *, ** and *** indicate significantly different values compared to Commd1
loxP/loxP mice (* p<0.05, ** p<0.005, *** p<0.0005). B.) Relative mRNA expression of metallothioneins Mt-I and Mt-II in liver tissue of Commd1
loxP/loxP (open dots; n = 5–6) and Commd1
Δhep mice (black dots; n = 5–7) (three and six weeks fed a copper-enriched diet) as determined by qPCR analysis. Expression was normalized for β-Actin mRNA levels, and relatively expressed to Commd1
loxP/loxP mice. C.) Immunoblot analysis of Atp7b and Commd1 in liver tissue of Commd1
loxP/loxP and Commd1
Δhep mice fed a copper-enriched diet for 6 and 52 weeks. D.) Ceruloplasmin activity was determined in sera of Commd1
loxP/loxP (white bars; n = 4–6) and Commd1
Δhep mice (black bars; n = 5–7) fed a copper-enriched diet for 3, 6, 28, 40 and 52 weeks. Data are represented as serum holoceruloplasmin activity (U/ml). * and ** indicate significantly different values compared to Commd1
loxP/loxP mice (* p<0.05, ** p<0.01).