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. 2011 Dec 22;6(12):e29130. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029130

Table 1. Model parameters.

Parameter Meaning Value Ref
Inline graphic rate for recent activation 0.9/y [15]
Inline graphic relative infectiousness HIV+ TB 0.5 [19], [21], [31]
Inline graphic Weibull shape forduration active TB 2.5 guess
Inline graphic Weibull timescale (HIV−) forduration active TB 1 y [21], [32]
Inline graphic Weibull timescale (HIV+) forduration active TB 0.25 y [21], [33]
Inline graphic initial incidence TB disease 600.Inline graphic/y [1]
Inline graphic HIV prevalence inincident TB cases 75% [1]
Inline graphic initial proportion TB diseaseincidence ‘recent’ 72% [22]
Inline graphic initial TB case-detectionrate (HIV+/−) 50% * [1]

Default example: changes in parameter investigated.

*Only affects conclusions about numbers of cases found.