Figure 7. IA is sensitivity to Ca2+ I buffering.
(A) Examples of current traces recorded from different apical HCs at E14 using 1 mM pipette BAPTA in the presence of 20 mM TEA and 200 nM apamin in the bath solution before and 30 mins after application of bath solution containing 5 mM BAPTA-AM. The difference-current traces are shown. An increase in Ca2+ I buffering altered the transient K+ current. The current-voltage relationship is shown. (B) Examples of currents recorded from apical HCs at E14 in the presence of 20 mM TEA and 200 nM apamin before and after application of a bath solution containing 2 mM Ca2+, as well as the difference current. The currents were elicited with the same protocol as described in Figure 1. The plot shows the current-voltage relationship.