Table 1. Environmental variables used to build alternative models.
Variable name | Variable description |
Climate data set | |
1 mwintertmp | Mean winter temperature (°C) |
2 annpre | Annual precipitation (mm) |
3 acmgddaug | Accumulated degree days (January to August) |
Vegetation data set | |
Forest type | |
1 Bet.pen | Betula pendula |
2 | Betula pubescens |
3 | Carpinus betulus |
4 Cor.ave | Corylus avellana |
5 Fag.syl | Fagus sylvatica |
6 Fra.exc | Fraxinus excelsior |
7 Pic.abi | Picea abies |
8 Pin.hal | Pinus halepensis |
9 Que.ile | Quercus ilex |
10 | Quercus pubescens |
11 Que.rob | Quercus robur |
12 Til.cor | Tilia cordata |
13 Total.Forest | Sum of all the forest types |
Shrubland type | |
14 MRS | Mediterranean Raingreen Shrub4 |
15 Jun.oxy | Juniperus oxycedrus |
16 Que.coc | Quercus coccifera |
Grassland type | |
17 c3 | Herbaceous |
Landscape data set | |
1 Forest.R30 | Accumulated forest in a radius of 30 km |
2 Shrub.R30 | Accumulated shrubland in a radius of 30 km |
3 Grass.R30 | Accumulated grassland in a radius of 30 km |