Figure 1.
The IHRSR cycle, reproduced from (Egelman, 2007b). A reference volume (top) is used to generate 90 reference projections, where each involves a 4° azimuthal rotation of the reference volume. The actual angular increment (4° in this example) depends upon the diameter of the object (D) and the expected resolution (d). The reference projections (90 in this case) are cross-correlated against the actual image segments. The highest correlation determines the azimuthal orientation of the image in question, as well as providing the in-plane rotation and translation needed to bring it into register with the reference projection. The aligned images are then used in a back-projection to generate a three-dimensional reconstruction (lower left corner). This volume is searched for the helical screw operator (the coupled rotation and axial translation) that minimizes the variance between the actual volume and a symmetrized version of the volume. This screw operator is then imposed on the reconstruction to generate a helically symmetric volume used as a new reference (top) for the next cycle of the procedure.