Figure 3. Removal of the unsaturated uronic acid residue of heparin by ozonolysis.
A. The proposed mechanism of ozonolysis of heparosan and heparin. In heparin R = [ → 4)-α-l-IdoA ± 2S(or β-d-GlcA)(1 → 4)-α-d-GlcNS±6Sand/or±3S(or GlcNAc±6S)(1 → ]n 4)-α-l-IdoA±2S(or β-d-GlcA)(1 → 4)-αβ-d-GlcNS±6Sand/or±3S(or GlcAc±6S). B. Preparation of LMWH by heparinase treatment followed by ozonolysis. 10 μg of LMWH prepared by heparinase, LMWH obtained by heparinase treatment followed by ozonolysis and pLMWH were separated by PAGE on a 22% acrylamide gel and stained with 0.5% (w/v) Alcian blue in 2% (v/v) acetic acid aqueous solution.