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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2012 Nov 18.
Published in final edited form as: J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Oct 6;138(2):564–577. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2011.09.052

Table 1.

Summary of medicinal plant use data for Siwai (BS voucher numbers) and Buin (JW voucher numbers) areas of the Bougainville Autonomous Region

Voucher Family Genus & Species Condition or Disease Part Preparation Application village local name Habitat
BS01 Polypodiaceae Christella arida (D. Don) Holttum Coagulant, wounds yL Mashed Topical P Hahara Grassland with few trees
BS02 Acanthaceae Graptophyllum pictum (L.) Griff. Pre-leprosy (rash called hisahisa) L Heated Topical P Singarata Cultivated
BS03 Zingiberaceae Alpinia sp. Blood clots after child birth yL Decoction Oral P Irihih Higher elevations, cultivated
BS04 Zingiberaceae Costus speciosus Sm. Sores; toothache yL; Root Heated and mashed; fresh Topical P Mangmang Abandoned gardens and grassland
BS05 Moraceae Ficus nodosa Teijsm. & Binn. Scabies Bark Infusion in coconut oil ND P Nuung Grassland and rainforest
BS06 Verbenaceae Premna serratifolia L. Dysentery Bark Infusion Oral P Karuwana Secondary forest
BS07 Dryopteridaceae Nephrolepis hirsutula (Forst.) C. Presl Angina pectoris yL Leaves heated and used to massage chest Topical ND Kara-inho Alongside rivers
BS08 Rubiaceae Uncaria sp. Severe to moderate cough Vine (Sap) Fresh Oral P Rungkihi Lowland and highland rainforest
BS09 Fabaceae Cassia alata (L.)Roxb. Skin fungus, herpes, eczema, ringworm, insect bites L Mashed, mixed with lime Topical P A’aku-peero Cultivated
BS10 Cyperaceae Cyperus cf. rotundus Toothache Root Infusion Oral rinse P Pihrototoka honna Reforested areas
BS11 Barringtoniaceae Barringtonia novae-hiberniae Lauterb. Angina pectoris Bark Infusion Oral P Moriwo Cultivated
BS12 Rosaceae Prunus gazelle-peninsulae (Kaneh. & Hatus.) Kalkman Headache Bark Infusion; fresh Oral, topical on forehead P Lauru Reforested areas and gardens
BS13 Malvaceae Hibiscus rosa-chinensis L. Eye infection F Flowers heated in coconut shells Fumes into affected eye P Kukupih Cultivated
BS14 Piperaceae Piper anisopleurum C.DC. Productive cough yL Infusion Oral P Punpupuri’i Secondary and primary forest
BS15 Urticaceae Elatostema sp. Productive cough yL Infusion Oral P Simma’a On stones in creeks
BS16 Asteraceae Wedelia biflora (L.) DC. Productive cough yL Infusion Oral P Hunpo Sandy riverbanks
BS17 Caesalpiniaceae Pterocarpus indicus Willd. Dysentery; haematouria; centipede bite; growth in the eye Bark; Root; yL; Latex Infusion; infusion; infusion; fresh Oral; oral; oral; topical P Hondo Secondary forest
BS18 Apocynaceae Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Dysentery, diarrhea Bark infusion Oral P Kingiri Primary and secondary forest
BS19 Lamiaceae Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. Br. Headache and cough yL Infusion Oral P Kapaatohi’i Grass and shrubs
BS20 Urticaceae Leucosyke capitellata Wedd. Productive cough L Infusion Oral P Isoiso Secondary forest
BS21 Moraceae Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg Dysentery Latex Mixed with water Oral P Kurako Bushes, cultivated
BS22 Convolvulaceae Merremia peltata (L.) Merr. Eye inflammation; bullet wounds y Shoot; Vine Juice from new shoots applied; heated and blown into bullet wounds Topical; topical P Hogouna Widely distributed
BS23 Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica L. Severe itchiness of legs Bark Scraped and mixed with lime Topical P Kongsi’i Bushes
BS24 Moraceae Ficus semicordata Buch.-Ham. ex Sm. Headache and fever yL ND Bath P Hituru Reforested areas and rainforests
BS25 Malvaceae Hibiscus tiliaceus L. Productive cough L Mashed to release succus Oral P Paruparu Coastal thickets and stream banks, secondary forests
BS26 Zingiberaceae Alpinia sp. Diarrhea Root Fresh Chewed P Pooraka Fertile soil on high ground
BS27 Solanaceae Solanum torvum Swartz, Prodr. 47. 1788. Dry cough yL Mashed to release succus Oral P Koroh Abandoned garden sites
BS28 Zingiberaceae Hornstedtia scottiana K. Schum. Labor pains Fruit Fruit juice Oral, topical on abdomen P I’isaru Abandoned garden site and secondary forest
BS29 Lauraceae Cryptocarya sp. Ear infection Bark Macerated and resultant aroma blown into ear Topical P Mukeni Rainforests and mountainous places
BS30 Rubiaceae Morinda citrifolia L. Headache, body ache, painful ankles Seed Decoction Oral P Ningto Primary forest
BS31 Fabaceae Archidendron glabrum (K. Schum.)Lauter b. & K. Schum. Severe headache yL Pounded and resulting succus strained Oral P Piimoki Rainforest
BS32 Myrtaceae Psidium guajava L. Measles yL Decoction Bath P ND Cultivated
BS34 Gesneriaceae Aeschynanthus leptocladus C.B. Clarke Labour pains yL Mashed ND P Runowai Small shrub that grows on trees
BS35 Sterculiaceae Melochia odorata L.f. Dysuria Root Chewed with betel nut and lime Chewed P Tamma Secondary forest
BS37 Urticaceae Nothocnide melastomatifolia (K. Schum.) Chew Dysuria yL Infusion Oral P Kamaarininano On trees in the jungle
BS38 Euphorbiaceae Homalanthus Novoguineensis (Warb.) K. Schum. Body ache ND Succus Oral P Tung Abandoned gardens
BS39 Melastomataceae Melastoma malabathricum L. Baby when sick for the first time yL ND Bath P Tupaainaraku Abandoned garden sites with few trees
BS40 Fabaceae Derris grandifolia Constipation ND ND ND P Kahani-ima Rainforests
BS41 Asteraceae Mikania micrantha Kunth Wounds yL Squeezed in hands Topical P Matapa Secondary forest
BS43 Ranunculaceae Clematis sp. Headache L Mashed Inhaled ND Humokung Reforested areas and gardens
BS44 Thelypteridaceae Sphaerostephanos alatellus (Christ) Holttum Fever ND ND ND P Uwahaku Fern in moist areas
BS45 Urticaceae Pipturus argenteus (G. Forst.) Wedd. Leprosy Seed ND ND Mor Ti’itipini-moi Secondary forest
BS46 Rosaceae Rubus molucanus Pre-leprosy (rash called hisahisa) Thorns Thorns are used to poke red spots Topical P Si’imu Shrubs in reforested areas
BS47 Acanthaceae Hemigraphis sp. Scabies L ND ND P Neeso Rainforests
BS49 Zingiberaceae Alpinia unilateralis B.L. Burtt & R.M.Sm. Constipation Stem (core) Fresh Chewed M Moge’e Secondary forest
BS50 Fabaceae Mucuna gigantean (Willd.)DC. Cough and asthma Stem ND ND P Aiya, Aiwa Rainforest
BS51 Solanaceae Cyphomandra betacea Sendt. Burns L ND ND P Hitukong or Iha-si’i Gardens
BS52 Arecaceae/Palmae Areca novo-hibernica Becc. Boils Bark Chewed with lime Massage on boil P Mu’usehu Primary and secondary forest
BS54 Zingiberaceae Alpinia oceanica Burkill Constipation Stem (core) Macerated Oral P Hara Rainforest
BS55 Smilaceae Geitonoplesium cymosum (R. Br.) A. Cunn. ex R.Br. Scabies L Poultice Topical P Pirigini Rainforest
BS56 Moraceae Antiaris toxicara Lesch. Small growths Seed Heated Oral P Kokui Low and Highland forest
BS57 Moraceae Ficus adenosperma Miq. Fever L ND ND Mot Turuwii Highland rainforest
BS58 Sterculiaceae Melochia odorata L.f. Enlarged spleen ND ND ND K Kiiro/Takara Lowland rainforest
BS59 Poaceae Setaria palmifolia (J. Koenig) Stapf, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 42: 186. 1914. Toothache Root ND ND P Siruh Grassland
BS60 NA Cytandra sp. Dysentery ND ND ND P Toputopu Muddy places
BS61 Euphorbiaceae Homalanthus novoguineensis (Warb.) K. Schum. Heartburn Bark Infusion Oral P Hikumutu Garden sites and secondary forest
BS62 Araceae Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl. Bone fractures, dislocated joints, and sprains Stem Heated over fire, mashed ND P Pongkiriri Primary and secondary forest
BS63 Asteraceae Ageratum conyzoides L. Diarrhea and headache L Infusion Oral P Mekosana or Rumahing Garden weed
BS64 Euphorbiaceae Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume Dislocated joints Root Macerated Massage P Nunotong Cultivated
BS65 Apocynaceae Alstonia sp. Pain L (Sap) Fresh Oral P Ponu Secondary forest
BS66 Apocynaceae Alstonia spectabilis R. Br. Chest pain Bark ND ND P Miru Abandoned garden sites
BS67 Thelypteridaceae Sphaerostephanos sp. Labour ND ND ND Mot Korokoro Mountainside on riverside
BS68 Araceae Colocasia esculenta (Linnaeus) Schott Swollen breasts L Heated Massage P Ki’ikata Regrowth after grass is cut in cocoa plantations
BS69 Marattiaceae Marattia melanesica Kuhn Fever ND ND ND P Tuiresi Lowland and highland rainforest
BS70 Arecaceae Metroxylom sagu Rottb. Prevention of enlarged spleen in newborns ND ND ND P Piia Muddy places and cultivated
BS71 Moraceae Ficus copiosa Steud. Boils Bark Chewed with lime Topical P Surosai Reforested areas and bushes
BS72 Palmae Unidentified Boils Bark Chewed with lime ND P Kingkirisu Unfertile soil
BS73 Moraceae Ficus hispidioides L.f. Bone fractures, dislocated joints, and sprains Seed ND ND P Su’usu’u Secondary forest
BS74 Euphorbiaceae Macaranga aleuritoides F. Muell. Cuts yL Mashed to release succus Topical P Maasiko Secondary forest
BS75 Moraceae Ficus sp. Tongue cancer Vine (Sap) Fresh Oral rinse P Kung Grows on trees
BS76 Lauraceae Litsea calophyllantha K. Schum. Painful urination ND ND ND P Kungko’ Lowland and highland rainforest
BS77 Lauraceae Cryptocarya sp. Painful urination Bark Bark scraped with water and strained Oral P Rugeria or Tiwito Lowland and highland rainforest
BS78 Smilacaceae Smilax latifolia R. Br. Fractures Vine Heated over fire and tied around fractures Topical P Kowa’a Rainforests
BS79 Marattiaceae Marattia fraxinea Raddi Centipede bite ND ND ND P Kuhiiwa Secondary and primary forest
BS80 Arecaceae Cocos nucifera L. Blood clots y nut Heated Oral P Moo Tropical climates
BS81 Poaceae Bambusa sp. Swollen testes ND ND ND P Kutapaku Moist areas of forest
BS82 Athyriaceae Diplazium proliferum (Lam.) Thouars. Painful urination yL Eaten fresh Oral P Diriiko Riverbanks
BS83 Rutaceae Evodia elleryana F. Muell. Fever L Mashed Wash P Kurih Rainforests
BS84 Marattiaceae Angiopteris evecta (Forst.) Hoffm. Cold yL Infusion ND M Uwahaku Fern in moist areas near village
BS85 Malvaceae Commersonia bartramia (L.) Merr. Pregnancy L ND (“extract”) ND P Panoru Secondary forest
BS87 Rubiaceae Myrmecodia echinata Labour ND ND ND P Kuhro Treetops
BS89 Lamiaceae Plectranthus scutellarioides (L.) R. Br. Leprosy L ND (“extract”) ND P Mongko Cultivated
BS90 Musaceae Musa paradisica L. Pre-leprosy rash ND ND ND P Kouhrai-murih Rainforest
BS91 Poaceae Bambusa sp. Pre-leprosy rash ND ND ND P Pihi Rainforest, cultivated
BS92 Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia tagala Cham. Headache L Pounded Massage P Ku’ukuing paupau Primary and secondary forest
BS93 Verbenaceae Vitex cofassus Reinw. ex Blume Centipede bite ND ND ND P Muniing Primary forest and undisturbed places
BS95 Euphorbiaceae Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume Leprosy ND ND ND P Honno-Mung Cultivated
BS96 Cyperaceae Cyperus rotundus L. Toothache Stem Pounded Mouth wash P Pihirototoka-pehhita Rainforested land
BS97 Verbenaceae Vitex trifolia L. Severe productive cough L Infusion Oral P Tari-raapito Rare
BS98 Leeaceae Leea indica Merr. Leprosy S ND Topical P Kosi-Kasi Thick rainforest
BS99 Vitaceae Cayratia sp. Centipede bite Sap Fresh Topical P Pimuai Abandoned garden sites
BS100 Moraceae Ficus wassa Roxb. Labour pains ND ND ND Moo Masi Weed grows in cocoa plantations
BS101 Myrtaceae Syzygium sp. Headache and fever L ND ND P Turoro Muddy places
BS106 Piperaceae Piper sp. Leprosy B ND ND P Urugoto, Minawatong On trees
BS107 Araliaceae Polycias sp. Pain L Heated Massage P Kuhausi Cultivated
BS108 Myrtaceae Syzygium sp. Tongue cancer L Decoction ND P Nuuwaari Rainforest
BS109 Fabaceae Mucuna novo-guineensis Scheff. Productive cough ND ND ND ND Aiya, Aiwa Rainforests
BSX3 Moraceae Ficus sp. Painful sore which swells up & exposes flesh ND ND ND P Tupare Grows on trees
BSX4 Fragraceae N.A. Fresh wound yL Mashed Topical P Kipo Secondary forest
BSX6 Asclepiadaceae Hoya sp. Problems with milk production in new mothers Vine, L Succus Oral P Nunororu Rainforest
JW01 Asteraceae Mikania micrantha Kunth Wounds and ulcers L; Vine Infusion; succus Topical PA Kominis1 Abundant in secondary forest
JW02 Verbenaceae Premna serratifolia L. Headache; malaria L; Bark Decoction; fresh Oral; massage PA Kaaru1 Widely distributed near village
JW03 Zingiberaceae Alpinia racemigera F. Muell. Cough, dysuria (UTI) Stem Succus (small amount of water added) Oral PA Kokoru1 Forest, near village
JW04 Malvaceae Kleinhovia hospital L. Cough, dyspnea, asthma yL Infusion Oral PA Paragi1 Forest
JW05 Musaceae Musa schizocarpa Simmonds Asthma Latex Fresh Oral PA Nutai1 Forest
JW06 Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica L. Diarrhea; abdominal pain, constipation and loss of appetite (typhoid) L; Bark Decoction; infusion Oral; Massage PA Paisi1 Forest
JW07 Arecaceae Areca catechu L. Cough Bark Infusion Oral PA Kogi1 Cultivated, forest
JW08 Urticaceae Poikilospermum sp. Labor induction; boils Sap Succus; infusion Oral; bath PA Kamairengke nano1 Crawling plant in forest
JW09 Marantaceae Donax cannaeformis Rolfe Filariasis L; Stem Heated; oncoction Massage; oral PA Marita1 Widely distributed shrub
JW10 Costaceae Costus speciosus Sm. Filariasis; bullet wounds; pigs w/dog bite; tooth decay/gingivitis Stem; Stem; Stem; Root Concoction; succus; succus after heating and crushing; fresh Oral; topical; topical; chewed PA Memeto1, Maiangata2 Forest
JW11 Convolvulaceae Merremia peltata (L.) Merr. Filariasis, elephantitis of scrotum; cut wounds, boils and centipede bites; Flu and cold; fever Sap Concoction; fresh; succus; infusion Oral; topical; oral; bath PA Turaru1 Crawling vine
JW12 Convolvulaceae Merremia sp. Filariasis, elephantitis of scrotum and breast Sap Concoction Oral PA Kakatanobi1, Kogurotorogu2 Crawling vine
JW13 Myristicaceae Horsfieldia irya Warb. Watery diarrhea and stomach ache Stem or Shoot Fresh Chewed PA Kamukamu1 Forest
JW14 Dioscoriaceae Dioscorea alata L. Hypertension, obesity, migraines, and consistent transient paralysis; pain & difficulty in urinating Root Decoction Oral PA Husisi1 Crawling and climbing vine
JW15 Verbenaceae Faradaya splendida F. Muell. Pneumonia Sap Succus Oral PA Kotomekai1 Crawling and climbing plant in forest
JW16 Piperaceae Piper sp. Centipede bite; cough; migraine Stem; L; Stem Succus; infusion; crushed Topical; oral; inhaled PA Torunoki1, Tururoki2 Crawling plant in cleared places, sides of tracks
JW17 Poaceae Bambusa sp. Permanent contraceptive Root Concoction Oral PA Kutabagu1 Clearings
JW18 Moraceae Ficus adenosperma Miq. Phobic disorder and fever yL Concoction Bath PA Turore1 Along riversides
JW19 Urticaceae Elatostema parasiticum (Blume) Blume ex H. Schroet. Phobic disorder and fever L Concoction Bath PA Simaya1 Stones and riverbanks of Argura river
JW20 Fabaceae Cassia fistula L. Fungal skin infections (Grille) L Crushed to release succus Topical PA Ombuu1 Near village
JW21 Gnetaceae Gnetum costatum K. Schum. Otitis media Sap Fresh Topical PA Akamu1 A climbing vine in forest
JW22 Zingiberaceae Alpinia peekelii Valeton Migraines; cough Stem/Shoot Infusion; infusion (w/little water) Bath; oral PA Kangkuruu1, Rauraunu2 Forest
JW23 Marattiaceae Angiopteris evecta (Forst.) Hoffm. Dysentery Root Concoction Chewed PA Morosi1 Forest fern
JW24 Commelinaceae Commelina paleata Hassk. Conjunctivitis L Succus Topical PA Utamoitai2 Moist areas along Argura river
JW25 Davalliaceae Davallia solida (G. Forst.) Sw. Scurvy (gingivitis) Stem Infusion Gargle PA Raaka1 Creeping plant grows on shady trees
JW26 Aspleniaceae Asplenium nidus L. Fire leaf burns yL Crushed Massage PA Rokobo1 Forest on trees with rough bark
JW27 Sapindaceae Harpullia sp. Paralysis, migraine, asthma yL; Bark Decoction; infusion Oral PA Korukopuu1 Forest
JW28 Zingiberaceae Alpinia sp. Hemetemesis Rhz Fresh Chewed PA Pagana1 Cultivates
JW29 Blechnaceae Stenochlaena palustris (Burm.) Bedd. Sore and red eyes with discharge L Decoction Topical, bath PA Nabata1 Creeping plant on forest trees
JW30 Poaceae Paspalum sp. Toothache Root Fresh Chewed PA Kaino1 Wild in cocoa plantations
JW31 Palmae Ptychosperma kasesa Lauertb. For permanent contraceptive Shoot; Root Chewed with betelnut; concoction Chewed; oral PA Mikituku4 Forest
JW32 Anacardiaceae Semecarpus sp. Permanent contraceptive/Abortion Bark; Root Infusion; concoction Oral PA Nannai potuoramiu1 Forest
JW33 Poaceae Paspalum conjugatum Bergius Centipede bite L Concoction Topical PA Masi1 Forest
JW34 Verbenaceae Clerodendrum fragrans Centipede bite; dysuria (UTI) Sap Concoction; succus Topical; oral PA Kurumu3 Crawling and climbing plant in clearings and along roadsides
JW35 Piperaceae Piper peekelii C.CD. Malaria L Fresh Massage PA Urugu1 Crawling plant in forest
JW36 Annonaceae Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. and Thomson Malaria L Fresh Massage PA Rauro1 Rainforest Orukuu
JW37 Euphorbiaceae Macaranga sp Induction of labor Bark (sap) Sap added to water Oral PA Pauru1 Forest
JW38 Moraceae Ficus copiosa Steud. Backache (arthritis) and malaria Bark; Bark & L Infusion; concoction Oral, bath PA Tunanai1, Tuarai1 Forest, clearings
JW39 Zingiberaceae Alpinia modesta K. Schum. Dysentery; planar wart Root Concoction; concoction Chewed; topical PA Kumugu3 Widely distributed in light forest
JW40 Agariaceae Agaricus sp Plantar wart Whole Heated Topical PA Kantoki1 Dry coconut fronds, moist dead wood
JW41 Zingiberaceae Hornstedtia scottiana K. Schum. Boils, sores and ulcers, vomiting and arthritis (backache) Seed; L Fresh; heated Topical, massage PA Asiaru1, GorgorP Common shrub near villages
JW42 Orchidaceae Grammatophyllum scriptum (L.) Blume For mothers who delivered but not lactating Stem Crushed and squeezed to release succus Oral PA Paarai1 On trees, wild and cultivated
JW43 Lauraceae Cryptocarya apamaefolia Gamble Headache Bark Fresh Massage PA Kabakuu1 Korukoguoto bau forest
JW44 Selaginellaceae Selaginella cirnum Centipede bite L Infusion Oral PA Kamago1 Korukoguoto bao forest
JW45 Verbenaceae Geunsia sp. Hemetemesis Bark Succus Oral PA Tomarai1 Light, bushy areas of forest
JW46 Flacourticaceae Homalium foetidum Benth. Malaria and Jaundice Bark, L Concoction Bath PA Misiagiro1 Forest
JW47 Loganiaceae Fagraea obovata Griff. Malaria L Concoction Bath PA Ketupore1 Forest
JW48 Anacardiaceae Semecarpus abenscens Anemia (jaundice) ; (gun) wound healing L; Sap Concoction; concoction Oral PA Uramiu1 Lowland forest and cleared areas
JW49 Fabaceae Pterocarpus indicus Willd. Anemia; wounds/bleeding; induce labor; eye infections yL; yL; yL; Shoot & yL Concoction; concoction; infusion; squeezed gently Oral; oral; oral; topical PA Okino1 Forest
JW50 Arecaceae/Palmae Cocos nucifera L. Injury wounds unripe nut juice Boiled Oral PA Muuo1, KokonasP Cultvated
JW51 Chrysobalanaceae Cyclandrophora laurina (A. Gray) Kosterm. Bone fractures Bark Concoction Chewed, massage Mon Osito5, Sito1 Forest
JW52 Sapindaceae Pometia pinnata J.R. Forst. and G. Forst. Bone fractures; heat rashes Bark, L Concoction; infusion Chewed, massage; bath Mon Mougoru1 Forest
JW53 Gnetaceae Gnetum gnemon L. Bone fractures Bark Concoction Massage Mon Aara5 Forest
JW54 Araceae Colocasia esculenta (Linnaeus) Schott Used after delivery to shrink fundus L Decoction Oral Mon Utukau1 Forest in moist cleared areas
JW55 Myrtaceae Psidium guajava L. Chicken pox and measles; alcohol intoxication; rhinitis yL Decoction; fresh; fresh Bath; oral; chewed PA Kuopa1 Cultivated
JW56 Caricaceae Carica papaya L. Malaria; cough; hypertension L; Seed; F & yL Decoction; infusion; decoction Oral Mon Kaioke5, Porpor1 Cultivated
JW57 Lecythidaceae Barringtonia novae-hiberniae Lauterb. Arthritis Bark Concoction Chewed Mon Aiai kuii5, PauP Cultivated
JW58 Arecaceae Gronophyllum chaunostachys (Burret) H.E. Moore Backache (arthritis) Bark Concoction Chewed Mon Kiritu5 Forest and cultivated
JW59 Myrtaceae Syzygium malaccense (Linnaeus) Merrill and L. M. Perry Productive cough yL Succus Oral PA Karikau1, Raurau5, LaulauP Cultivated
JW60 Leeaceae Leea sp. Conjunctivitis L Heated Massage PA Marakakas1 Abandoned gardens
JW61 Fabaceae Mucuna novo-guineensis Scheff. Abdominal pain, constipation and loss of appetite (typhoid) and arthritis Sap Concoction Massage, oral PA Mosimosi1 A crawling vine in rainforest and moist areas
JW62 Anacardiaceae Semecarpus sp. Malaria Bark Concoction Bath Mon Innepuu5 Rainforest
JW63 Fabaceae Vigra sp. Malaria Sap Concoction Bath Mon Pirigiamoro1, Pirigianomu5 Forest vine on trees
JW64 Lamiaceae Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth. Malaria L Concoction Bath Mon Meme5 Newly cleared areas
JW65 Solanaceae Solanum torvum Swartz Malaria L Concoction Bath Mon Kabatokopau5 New clearings and gardens
JW66 Rubiaceae Uncaria sp. Abdominal pain, constipation and loss of appetite (typhoid) and arthritis Bark Concoction Massage, oral PA Morokengke Kata1 Forest along rivers
JW67 Zingiberaceae Alpinia sp. Malaria L Concoction Bath Mon Nokio5 Forest near village
JW68 Euphorbiaceae Macaranga aleuritoides F. Muell. Breast abscess L Heated Massage PA Apapai1 Newly cleared areas or lowland forest
JW69 Araceae Alocasia sp. Centipede bite, fire leaf burn, jellyfish sting Stem Scraped, mixed with lime Topical PA Orukuu5 Abundant in forest along riverbanks
JW70 Araliaceae Osmoxylon micranthum (Harms) Philipson Abortion Bark Decoction Oral Mon Potumai5 Forest
JW71 Apocynaceae Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Infertility (female); cough Root; Sap Succus; water added to sap Oral Mon Kenumau5 Forest
JW72 Moraceae Ficus botryocarpa Miq. Menorrhagia L Infusion Oral PA Innina1 Forest, clearings
JW73 Myrtaceae Syzygium sp. Diarrhea, cough, alopecia, malnutrition and anemia Bark Decoction Oral Mon Paguau5, Karapurinio5, Kukuinu1 Forest, and cultivated
JW74 Flagellariaceae Flagellaria indica L. Conjunctivitis Sap, L Fresh; heated Topical, massage Mon Kere1, Kereku5 A vine in Forest
JW75 Malvaceae Hibiscus manihot L. To facilitate quick delivery for an expecting mother L Infusion Oral Mon Markuii5, AibikaP Cultivated
JW76 Malvaceae Hibiscus tiliaceus Watery diarrhea L Infusion Oral Mon Bambaruu5, Wild mangasP Cultivated
JW77 Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida L. Cough yL Infusion Oral PA Ropu1 Creeping vine in low cleared or grassy areas, along roads and rivers
JW78 Fabaceae Mimosa pudica L. Injury swelling L Fresh Massage Mon Pamparagansi 5 Along roads
JW79 Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia L. Toothache; helps baby learn to walk quickly; erectile dysfunction Stem; Root; Root Fresh, concoction; concoction Chewed; massage; massage Mon Tugia2, BroomstickP Along roads and highways
JW80 Poaceae Eleusine indica L. Erectile dysfunction Root Concoction Massage Mon Unsigu5 Margin or cleared areas, roads
JW81 Urticaceae Pipturus sp. Diabetes yL Infusion Oral Mon Kutope1 Forest
JW82 Leguminosae Albizia falcataria (L.) Fosberg. Chicken pox Bark Concoction Bath Mon Kugupina2 Clearings
JW83 Mimosoideae Albizia sp. Chicken pox Bark Concoction Bath Mon Tugurugu2 Clearings
JW84 Asteraceae Ageratum conyzoides L. Very painful earache (otalgia) L Heated and crushed to release succus Topical Mon Aurai5 A weed in clearings/gardens
JW85 Amaryllidaceae Crinum asiaticum L. Heart burn L Decoction Oral PA Poga1 Cultivated
JW86 Zingiberaceae Zingiber officinale Roscoe Centipede bite; abdominal pain, constipation and loss of appetite (typhoid) Rhz Crushed; concoction Topical; oral, massage PA Piriani1, Iaa2 Cultivated
JW87 Fabaceae Derris sp. Abdominal pain, constipation and loss of appetite (typhoid) and arthritis Sap Concoction Massage, oral PA Ubaipokaruka u1 Rainforest climbing vine
JW88 Palmae Calamus hollrungii Becc. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation and loss of appetite (typhoid) Sap Concoction Massage, oral PA Kanta1 Cane plant grows well in forest
JW89 Saurauiaceae Saurauia sp. Abdominal pain, constipation and loss of appetite (typhoid) and arthritis F Concoction Massage, oral PA Ararum1 Forest
JW90 Rutaceae Euodia hortensis J. R. & G. Forst Deeps cuts and wounds L Heated Topical PA Siusiu1, Temo1 Cultivated

The following shorthand notations were used:

Plant part : F =Flower; L = Leaves; Rhz = Rhizome; y = young/new, S = Seeds.

Village - Buin, South Bougainville: PA – Pariai, Mon=Mongai; Siwai District, Bougainville: M= Motirui; Moo = Mo’o kupu, P- Panakei, K – Kapana, Mor – Morohai.

Local name - Siwai Language: no superscript; Telei Dialect: 1=North Mokeruui, 2=Central Mokeruui, 3=Kungara, 4=Mokeruui, 5=South Mokeruui. Common Language: P=Pidgin.

Multiple uses for Condition or Disease; When separated by semicolons Part, Preparations and Applications are respectively matched (sequentially mapped).

Concoction=a combination of herbs, decoction=extraction by boiling, succus=expressed juice, infusion=steeping of plants in water.