Concordance of RB1 Status as Determined by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization and Immunohistochemistry Compared to The Cancer Genome Atlas
Tumor ID |
RB1 deletion by FISH |
Copy number (log2 ratio)a |
RB1 protein by IHCb, c |
RB1 expression (log2 ratio)d |
RB1 somatic mutatione |
GBM Subtypef |
08-0520 | Homozygous | −2.406 | 0 | −0.255 | NA | N |
08-0350 | Homozygous | −2.146 | 0 | −0.145 | NA | P |
08-0386 | Hemizygous | −0.399 | 0 | −0.33 | NA | N |
08-0389 | Hemizygous | −0.682 | 0 | 0.093 | Novel nonsense mutation |
NA |
08-0349 | Hemizygous | −0.638 | 1 | 0.036 | NA | N |
08-0359 | Hemizygous | −0.549 | 1 | 0.584 | No | P |
08-0347 | Hemizygous | −0.473 | 1 | 0.544 | No | P |
08-0511 | Hemizygous | −0.704 | 2 | 0.474 | NA | C |
08-0517 | Hemizygous | −0.828 | 2 | 0.515 | NA | P |
08-0516 | Hemizygous | −0.606 | 2 | 0.402 | NA | NA |
08-0357 | Hemizygous | −0.571 | 2 | 0.735 | NA | C |
08-0246 | Not Del | −0.322 | 1 | 0.835 | No | C |
08-0512 | Not Del | −0.302 | 1 | −0.7509 | NA | M |
08-0360 | Not Del | −0.270 | 1 | 0.648 | No | M |
08-0375 | Not Del | −0.050 | 1 | 0.691 | No | C |
08-0380 | Not Del | −0.041 | 1 | 0.959 | No | |
08-0518 | Not Del | −0.036 | 1 | 1.006 | NA | C |
08-0356 | Not Del | −0.032 | 1 | 1.061 | NA | NA |
08-0355 | Not Del | −0.016 | 1 | 1.016 | NA | C |
08-0385 | Not Del | NA | 1 | 0.532 | No | P |
08-0345 | NA | −0.080 | 2 | 1.333 | NA | NA |
08-0510 | Not Del | −0.132 | 2 | 1.108 | NA | M |
08-0514 | Not Del | −0.088 | 2 | 1.063 | NA | C |
08-0353 | Not Del | −0.083 | 2 | 1.158 | No | NA |
08-0390 | Not Del | −0.003 | 2 | 1.148 | No | M |
08-0522 | Not Del | 0.048 | 2 | 0.986 | NA | M |
08-0392 | Not Del | −0.083 | 2 | 0.625 | NA | M |
08-0531 | Not Del | −0.063 | 2 | 0.777 | NA | C |
08-0244 | Not Del | −0.056 | 2 | 0.711 | NA | NA |
08-0521 | Not Del | −0.004 | 2 | 0.591 | NA | NA |
08-0358 | Not Del | −0.003 | 2 | 0.85 | NA | C |
08-0344 | Not Del | 0.020 | 2 | 0.615 | No | P |
08-0525 | Not Del | 0.041 | 2 | 1.399 | NA | NA |
08-0381 | Not Del | NA | 2 | NA | NA | NA |
CGH, comparative genomic hybridization; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; GBM, glioblastoma; IHC, immunohistochemistry; NA, data not available; No Del, no deletion; RB1, Retinoblastoma Tumor Suppressor Protein; TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas.
Copy number [Tumor/Normal] data from TCGA, HMS.harvard HG-CGH-244A; gene deletion defined as [log2(Tumor/Normal) less than or equal to −0.4 (fold change of copy number in tumor vs. normal less than or equal to 0.758)] (11).
Mean IHC score for tumors with decreased RB1 copy number by array CGH was significantly different than the mean IHC score for tumors with intact RB1 (0.95 vs. 1.48, p<0.05; n=32).
The mean IHC score for tumors with loss of RB1 transcript expression was significantly different than the mean IHC score for tumors with intact RB1 expression (0 vs. 1.42, p<0.00005; n=33).
Expression [Tumor/Normal] data from TCGA, AgilentG4502A_07; loss of RB1 expression defined as [log2(Tumor/Normal) less than 0 (fold-change of expression in tumor vs. normal less than 1)].
Sequencing data from TCGA, (11).
GBM subtype as determined by Verhaak et al (18). P, proneural; N, M, Mesenchymal; C, Classical